
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Not only because of the great food and day-after sales... even though all of that is great! I love spending time with family and just thinking of all I am thankful for. I love thinking of all God has blessed me with and all he has brought me through. Just saying that I am "thankful" is not enough.

This is our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple and I just love it! Right now we are in Memphis at my aunt and uncle's house. My granny and cousins and their kids are here. We have had a great time. I made my very first sweet potato casserole (my favorite Thanksgiving food) and my first batch of deviled eggs. It was all very good.. atleast that is what Josh said! Ha! We will be leaving here in a couple of hours to go spend some time with Josh's family.

Tomorrow morning I am getting up at 4:30 a.m. to go shopping on Black Friday. Every year I go, and every year I say it's my last but here we go again! I have already checked out the sale papers and have a few things I know I am getting for sure. I am very excited!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!! I know it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle & bustle of things but just try to sit back and think of all you are thankful for. Be sure to thank God for it all .. I mean, where would we be without him ? :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bentley Withdrawals

This weekend was a very fun one! Josh and all the guys in his family went on a hunting trip in Kentucky. They left Thursday and came back this morning. They had so much fun! It was the longest Josh and I have been away from eachother since we got married, but it went by pretty fast.

Saturday night was girls night! It was so much fun to get together with my girlfriends since it had been so long. We were celebrating Annie's brithday because it is this week. We started the night out at Carrabba's for dinner, which is my favorite restaurant ever! It was me, Annie, Kaila, April, Trish and Lindsey. I am pretty sure our waiter was very annoyed at us because we would not stop talking to order our food! Ha! After we ate we walked around Green Hill's mall for a while. I was very good, I only bought one shirt at Express & it was on sale ;) Then we headed to Starbucks for coffee and dessert. It was such a great night! We had LOTS of laughs and took LOTS of pictures!

Being able to come home and hang out with my parents for 4 days was very nice. We had a lot of fun. Sunday we went and looked at a house that is for sale. It is very cute! Josh and I are looking at houses to buy so we can have one ready for us when we move back to Ashland City in May. Hopefully with the market the way it is, we can find one at a really good price!

I got to spend lots of time with my sweet Bentleyman this weekend and I just miss him soooooo much now. Bentley slept with me every night and gave me lots of sugars every morning! I really wish I could bring him to Pulaski with me but I know my parents and my brother would be devastated without him.

Now I am back home in Pulaski. Josh is in class and it feels good to just lay here and relax on the couch. I know I need to get up and figure out what we are going to eat for supper but I really don't feel like it! But I guess I better get up so I can have some food ready for my hubby when he gets home :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

905 Magazine Road

As most of you know, I just love our little apartment! It is so cute and already feels homey. I wish we could have more people over but being so far away makes it a little hard. Everyone wants to know what it looks like so instead of you coming to our apartment, I will bring our apartment to you! Enjoy :)