
Monday, February 2, 2009

Well, it's that time of year again! Josh's baseball team had their first scrimmage yesterday. They played Columbia State and won! Yay:) Josh got to pitch & did really really good!! It was fun to watch him play & it was a beautiful day... pretty windy but felt good! They have their first game next Wednesday here in Pulaski. Hopefully they will have a really good season!

Besides baseball and trying to keep up with Kobe, things around here in Pulaski have been pretty uneventful. I had to work this past weekend and it wore me out! I went in at 10:30 on Friday and didn't get off until after 8. I should have just stayed the night at the salon because I had to be back there at 7:45 am on Saturday morning and didn't get off til 5. I hate getting off late on Fridays because that is the only day I get to see my family. By the time I drive all the way back to Hendersonville, it is about time to go to sleep so I can get up early the next morning. But only a few more months and we will be back in Ashland City. I sure am ready for that!!
There is one thing that is very exciting right now.. I have been praying a lot lately about some things and I really feel like God is telling me to go on a missions trip! Normally, the thought of going out of the country and flying on an airplane scares me to death, but not this time! I am very very excited. There is a group going to Costa Rica the beginning of March and I had decided that I want to go. But after really thinking & praying about it.. I don't think that is going to work out. That is 4 weeks away and I don't think I can come up with the money between now & then. Also, I need to get my passport and I am wondering if that will be pushing it. But sometime within the next year, I plan on going on one. I really want to go to Africa! Or Ecuador! Really, it doesn't matter..Just wherever God wants me to go.

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