
Thursday, March 19, 2009

a little bit of this & that..

I am SOOOO Lovin this weather!! I hope it continues to stay this way or even get warmer :) Yesterday was a great day. I drove out to Murfreesboro for another embroidery class and it was great. I traded my machine in for a newer machine and it is the coolest thing ever! I can't wait to get things started. For those of you who do not know, I am in the process of starting my own embroidery business!! I plan on have things going within the next couple of months. I will be selling everything at the salon and plan on getting a website going for it also. I can't wait for all of you to see what I have in are going to looove it!!
After my class yesterday, I met up with Annie and we had lunch at a place in Murfreesboro called Goodness Gracious! It is the cutest little place and they have the best sandwiches, soups, salads, and desserts! Afterwards, we went to a few stores. The only thing I bought was a pair of sunglasses from Agaci. They were super cute and were only $5 so I couldn't pass it up! I almost bought a really cute dress from there.....I'm still wishing I would have gotten it....It was only $30 which isn't bad. But for some reason, well ever since we got married, I have been so picky when it comes to buying things! I over think everything and if I have any doubt at all then I don't buy it. For the most part, this has been good and I have saved a lot of money this way. But sometimes, like yesterday, I end up driving all the way home thinking about this cute dress. It is a long dress, which I think are so adorable and have been looking for one for a long time. It had a good flow to it and and it was strapless & could have been dressy or casual....and it was the last one they had.....OK. I have got to STOP thinking about this dress!!!!

Anyway, Josh had 2 games yesterday in Kentucky. I am not sure of the school they played but they won both games!! Yay!! He got to pitch and did really good:) He did get hit on the leg though and it looks so painful :( Poor thing. But I am happy that they won! This weekend they play here in Pulaski and they play Freed Hardeman, Let's hope they win!! His graduation date is coming up!!! Just a little over 6 weeks away, I can't believe how fast this time has gone by! I am sooo proud of him!

I was a little disappointed with American Idol last night. I know this is a tough season because everyone is so good. But I really wasn't ready to see Alexis leave. I know she wasn't the best but I do think she is better than some of the others...Oh well. My favorite is Danny Gokey!!! I am voting for him til the end. When he sang Jesus, Take The Wheel on Tuesday night, it gave me chill bumps!
I took Kobe to the vet last week for a checkup and he is doing good! He didn't just love getting his shots but he loved the treats they game him afterwards. Here we are on the way to the vet. This is where he likes to sit in the car!! I know it is not very safe but oh well.....
Kobe getting his heart checked!

Can you see his chin hairs??!! hahaha!

So I asked the vet what kind of dog she thought Kobe was. I told her was he was "supposed" to be and she didn't really see that either! So we have decided to call him a terrier mix from now on. No more shorkie!! haha. But even though we don't know what kind of dog he really is, we still love him to death!!!

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