
Monday, April 6, 2009

7 months of HAPPINESS :)

I can't believe it has already been 7 months!! Today! It has flown by and and has been the happiest times of our lives :) So much is going on right now. Baseball is full force and crazy busy. They are leaving early tomorrow morning for Georgia and will not get back til probably after midnight Wednesday night. I really don't want to stay here in Pulaski by myself for 2 full days and especially overnight, so I am thinking of going home to stay with my parents! It will be fun to get to spend some time with them and not have to share a crazy work day with them. Anyway, this weekend they are traveling back to Jackson to play. Hopefully they will do good and win all their games! Josh is graduating in less than a month..yay! I know he is sooo ready to be done. Then we are also moving within the next month or so... with no place to move to!! The place we were planning on fell through last week so I guess you could say I am a little stressed about that and my job right now and several other things. BUT I know I should not be stressing, God is going to take care of us and everything!!! Last night we went to couple's class at church and it was really good. We watched a video that talked about this scripture in the bible:

"...All of you, serve each other in humility, for God opposes the proud but favors the humble. So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give ALL your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5:5-7

We talked about how we should cast ALL our cares upon the Lord, whether it be issues in your issues..major things..not so major things..just whatever!! No matter how big or how small we think the issue is, if it is important to us then it is important to God! It was also saying that when we make everything about "I" or "ME" and try to fix things ourselves, then it will never work. But if we cast all our cares upon the Lord, then he will take care of it... in HIS timing, which is the hard part. We want things to happen on OUR time but that is not the way it works. God can see the bigger picture and knows what is best for us. It was just what I needed to hear so I am so glad that we went. There is just something SO wonderful and reassuring to know that the God of the whole universe loves us and cares for us and is going to take care of us :)

One thing that is VERY exciting.. we finally got our wedding video back!!! It was soooo good. Josh and I watched it yesterday and we couldn't help but to get a little emotional!! It was the best day ever :) As some of you may know, we have had a verrryyyy hard time with our videographer. He said it would only take a couple of months.. Well, the beginning of December I emailed him to check on the status and he never wrote back. I tried the whole month of December to get in touch with him and he was not returning any of our phone calls or anything!! So at the end of December, I decided to go to his "place of business" to talk to him in person. I got the address off his website. Well, when I got to that address.. it was a UPS STORE!!! I was so mad. I went inside and talked to a lady who told me he was their client but she couldn't disclose any info about him. Well, he finally wrote me back the beginning of January and said he had been going through some issues and that he would let me know when he got started on our video!! I was mad and worried that he had messed up our video and was just making excuses and that we would never get it.... and we paid him over a year ago!! Josh finally had to take over and start calling him non-stop. We even found his home phone number and called him after 11 pm one night. But it finally worked and we finally have our video!! He did do a wonderful job but he is very very unprofessional the way he wouldn't call us back or anything. So please NEVER use AHA Video Productions!!!! well, unless you want to wait 7 months for your finished product :)

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