
Friday, May 29, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday- Nursery Edition!

I know, we don't have a nursery yet! But I have had fun getting ideas from everyone over at Kelly's Korner for when we decide to have kids :) Since I am still behind, I am going to move on to our kitchen. Because I love to cook and bake, this is one of my favorite places in our house (except for when I have to clean it!). Welcome to our kitchen!

Our kitchen is definitely bigger than our kitchen was in Pulaski.. but it's not as big as it seems. I kinda ran out of counter space so the microwave had to move to the top of the refrigerator!! Ha. Another bummer is that we do not have a pantry. I never realized how important a pantry was until we had to start putting canned goods and snacks in the cabinets! But oh well. It works for now! I do love the way it is all open instead of having to walk into a "room" with counters on both sides of me.

Pretty much everything in our kitchen were gifts that we got at our wedding or at our showers..which is sooo awesome! There is no way we would be able to start off with as much as we have without that :) I love stainless steel so we registered for all of these things and got as gifts. The tea pot I LOVE but have never used!! I keep it on our stove because I think it is so cute though.

Josh got me this wind chime for Valentine's Day and I just LOVE it! I know there is no wind in the kitchen but I am scared to put it outside because I don't want anything to happen to it!! It is a stained glass angel and I have it hanging above our sink in the kitchen :)

I wanted to show you this because I think it is so funny! This is our oven knob... which broke off!! So when I am baking anything I have to just guess!! Ha. There is a thermostat in the oven & when the knob broke off you can tell it was super glued before so I am sure this is not the first time it has happened!! We really need to get that fixed.....

Lastly, but definitely NOT least... one of my favorite things in my kitchen???

My wonderful coffee maker :) Can't live without it!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My new loves.

I am really loving having fresh flowers on our dining room table. If you read my blog last week then you saw the pretty white flowers I had gotten at Wal-Mart for $5.00. They were so awesome..they lasted THREE weeks! Actually, the flowers themselves still looked great... but the water they were in-- not so much. Nasty green water on your dining room table is not very appealing so when I went to Wal-Mart today I bought some new flowers and wanted to show them off because I love them so much :) I wanted to try something different this time for a different look. What do you think?

Another new love of mine? Nilla wafers with crunchy peanut butter on top!! mmmm mmmmmm! Talk about good. Try it, you will love it!

just a little R & R

So I have started a habit that I MUST break very soon. We get up every morning at about 6:30. While Josh is getting ready for work, I make him lunch and he normally leaves around 6:50. As soon as he leaves, I take Kobe outside for a while so he can play and run around since we lock him up in the bathroom at night. He always has a TON on energy. After I come back inside, I make some coffee and a bowl of cereal... then I plop down on this comfy recliner that I am in at this very minute and before you know it, a couple of hours have gone by!!! I could be doing laundry, dishes, working out..pretty much a million other things besides checking up on all my blogs that I love to read, checking my facebook & myspace(because how many ways can you keep up with other people?! ha), reading Fox News, checking my Yahoo... and don't forget the wonderful but yet VERY addicting Craigslist. Do I even need anything?? Nope. But it is still fun to look and see what other people are selling and how much they are selling it for. So I say that I must break this habit but more than likely I won't because it is actually very nice to sit here with Kobe sleeping on the back of the couch (which is his FAV spot in our whole house to sleep!!) very peacefully. It is MY time. I don't really have to clean right now at this very moment, I don't have to talk about hair, I don't have to talk to anyone AT ALL unless I want to and I don't have to do anything unless I want to. Ahhhh :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Her children rise up and call her BLESSED!"

Proverbs 31:28

Mother's Day was a very special day to me.. and I am not even a mother! It was so special because I know I have been blessed with such a wonderful mother and mother in law & I am just very thankful. I wanted them both to have a wonderful and stress-free day, so we had everyone over to our new place and we cooked for them to thank them for all they do for us! (and to thank them for all the meals THEY cook for US! ha!) Josh and I grilled all the meat and Adam & Tiffani brought all the sides & it all turned out really good! Not only was the food good, but it was so good for everyone to relax and just hang out.

I really wish I would have gotten pictures with Josh & his mom and my mom but he was busy doing all the grilling :)

One blog that I love to read is by a girl named Ashley. She is an artist and does paintings on canvas. You should check out her blog!! It is She has some super cute paintings and she is super sweet. Another plus is that a portion of her proceeds go to a non-profit ministry called Ventures For Christ. I ordered these for my mom and Paige and I am so happy that they turned out great and they loved it! Thanks, Ashley!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday!

My favorite blogger, Kelly, is hosting Show Us Where You Live Friday! I absolutely LOVE this for a couple of reasons. For one, I love love love to decorate!! So it is a great way to get some really cute ideas by seeing how other people decorate. If you visit her website at, there will be hundreds of links to other bloggers that you can click on. I will warn you, when you click on these links and see how cute everyone decorates... you will be clicking for a long time because it is very addicting! ha! Another reason why I love Show Us Where You Live Friday is because it is a great way to show everyone our new place one room at a time! Since I am a few weeks behind, I am going to do a couple each week until I get caught up :)

This week is all about dining rooms!! We do not have a "formal" dining room.. Ours is kinda connected to our kitchen and living room. Hopefully one day when we buy a house, we can have a formal dining room but for right now, this is perfect and will do!!

I am going to give you a few different views. This one is from the kitchen looking at our table.

This view is from the living room. I just love our little table. It was my mom's table. She knew how much I loved it so she gave it to us!! Thanks, mom! Don't you just love moms :)

Here is another view of our "dining room"! The big picture I have hanging on the wall is from Kirkland's..One of the best stores ever for home decor! The closet that you see is our laundry room... I mean, laundry closet!

These flowers are my absolute favorite! I could not tell you what they are but I got them at Wal-Mart for $5.00 literally two weeks ago. They have lasted this long and still look great!! The vase they are in I got at Pier One, another FAV store of mine. The placemats and I fell in love at first sight. I got them at Kohl's... another FAV (ok, so every store is my favorite!!) because they always have such great sales!!

I am now moving on to guest bedrooms. We do live in a two bedroom triplex but I would hardly call the 2nd bedroom a guest bedroom. My cousin, Shauna, and her husband, Jay, and their little boy, Andrew, (and their dog, Colby!) stayed the night last weekend. We let them have our bed and we slept on an air mattress...but we will still call the 2nd bedroom our guest bedroom! This room is actually used for many, many things! ha.

This view is when you are looking into the room. My parents gave us their treadmill because when I lived at home I was the only one who ever used it anyway. The only problem is when we moved it to our new place, I think a cord or something came loose so now it does not work!! But when we get it fixed, I will be able to get on it and watch our TV that is inside the armoire. The armoire actually matches my bedroom furniture but we didn't have room for it in our bedroom. Also, we don't want a TV in our bedroom so it doesn't matter anyway! The picture on top was a gift to Josh from his parents on his graduation. He worked so hard for that diploma :) so we wanted to show that off as well!

Since we have two bedrooms with TWO closets, I have the one in our bedroom and Josh has the one in this bedroom. So here is his closet! Hanging on the wall is his 2008-2009 baseball plaque and a collage of pictures I made for him for his graduation.

This wall is going to be a very busy wall when I get it all set up!! I bought an antique sewing table off Craigslist that I am going to put here for my embroidery machine. It is white right now and is at my parents house, but I am going to stain it a dark brown color to match my armoire and all my other furniture. But this wall is where I will be doing all my embroidery stuff when I get it set up, which hopefully will be VERY soon now that we are all settled :)

Here is a beautiful cross that I got from my client, Kim's, yard sale. I just love it!! Also, some of our wedding pictures :)

Well, I hope you have enjoyed looking at our dining room and guest bedroom! Check back next Friday for another Show Us Where You Live Friday!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

and our new American Idol is...........

KRIS ALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! What a shock!! I have to admit, I never thought Kris would have made it this far in the competition.. and then he won the whole show! I didn't even watch it this week, not only because I was at work but because after the little stunt last week (Danny Gokey being voted off-- who was my FAVORITE) I could have really cared less. I thought that it would have been a very predictable show with Adam winning...well, I was wrong! This is ALMOST as big of a shock for me as Chris Daughtery being voted off a few years back. I must say that I was happy that Kris won over Adam, though. Adam is a better singer than Kris... BUT I feel like when he sings it does not come from his heart. I feel like he should have just stuck with Broadway. But anywayyyy, life does go on and I feel like mostly everyone in the top 10 were really good and that they will all be very successful. I am just wondering one thing though, now that American Idol is over.. what am I going to watch??!! I need a new show.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my hubby- the college graduate!!

Well, I must apologize. I know I have been a major slacker since I have only posted two blogs in the past three weeks.. but that is what happens when you are in the middle of moving and are without cable and internet for two weeks, which by the way, how in the world did people ever survive without those two very important things?! So many things have happened in the past two weeks that I want to share with you and I will begin on May 2, 2009. This was the day that Josh graduated from Martin Methodist College with a Criminal Justice degree!! I am soo proud of him! He worked so hard and it has finally paid off. Congratulations baby!

It was such a wonderful & busy day! After graduation, we had everyone over to our apartment for a graduation party... who knew our little one bedroom apartment could hold close to 20 people?! Ha. I made BBQ for the first time and everyone liked it! It was very simple. All you need is a boston butt, a bottle of liquid smoke, and a crock pot. Let it cook all night on low and after it is done you just shred it up. I put it back in the crock pot and put some Kraft Hickory Smoke BBQ sauce on it and let it sit for a few more hours. It was really good! We also had potato salad, baked beans, chips, cole slaw, lemon ice box pie, and a HUGE oreo cake that I made.

Pretty much everything was already packed up so after we ate everyone helped out and loaded all our things into the Uhaul trailers! It was pretty cool. We had our own moving crew of about 8 big guys and 7 women!! It went by really fast. Josh's graduation was at 10 am and by 2:00 we had already had a graduation party, moved everything out, and was already on the road! It was kinda sad leaving our apartment.. but we were off to bigger and better things :) I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped us move. So thank you mom, Michael, Joe, Paige, Sarah, Tiffani, Adam, Uncle Dan, Aunt Mattie, Jacob, Rachel, Brett, and Puddin!! There is NO way we could have done it all without you and we love you all :)

Moving from Pulaski to Ashland City! Everything we own in those 2 Uhaul trailers!

Our original plan was to stay the night with Josh's parents because we were not supposed to move into our new place until the next day after church. So we went to Opry Mills that afternoon because Josh's new Bass Pro & Oakley gift cards were already burning a hole in his pocket! As soon as we left Opry Mills, Donnie Kemp (the man we are renting from) called and said it was ready to move into that night! So we did! Ha! It was a super busy day but was all worth it. Now we are in our new place in Ashland City and we absolutely LOVE it :)

ps. pictures of our new place coming soon!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I have finally decided to jump on the Not Me! Monday bandwagon! I know there are a ton of things I am so glad I did not do this past week and I want to share them with you. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog at mycharmingkids.netto check out what she and everyone else has not been doing this week!

We have decided to go to Kentucky Lake this weekend for Memorial Day with a big group from our church. I am super excited because my bfff, Annie, and her hubby will be there also! The place we are going to has a big pool which means it is that time of the year again...bathing suit time. So all this past week I have been walking, running, lunging, crunching, and anything else I can do to get back into shape. I have been eating really good for breakfast and lunch. And it is a good thing that I have not been eating sloppy joe's, french fries, Mexican food, and Red Baron pizzas for dinner. And I would never drink a regular coke with every single one of those meals. It is also good that I do not have really sweet neighbors that made us home made chocolate chip cookies yesterday as a welcome gift... since chocolate chip cookies are not my favorite things in the whole world and I definitely have not been eating them. Food Lion did not have Captain Crunch cereal buy 1 get 1 free last week and I did not buy four boxes because it is such a great deal. Plus, even if I did buy 4 boxes, I would never eat a big bowl every night before I go to bed... because it is bathing suit time again, right? Oh yea.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

the most wonderful woman I know.

She is so beautiful- on the inside and out. She loves God and her family more than anything in this world. She has helped shape who I am today and as I see myself getting older I see myself becoming more and more like her. She is my best friend and I love her more than anything! Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!