
Monday, June 1, 2009

What a weekend!

The fun began Friday night when Josh and I went over to my parent's house for dinner. The food was so good and it was so good to hang out with them and Bentley. I miss that dog more than anything!! He is still my baby :) Here are a few older pics of him that I love!

I took off work on Saturday but was still up bright & early because me and my mom had a yard sale at my house! It was a lot of work but turned out to be a great day and we made some good money! The weather was perfect. We sold just about everything but what we didn't sell we took to the Bethesda Center.

We did have a little visitor at our yard sale.

When my mom got to my house that morning, she said she found him outside our place under a car. Someone must have dropped him off the night before because our neighbors said he meowed by their door allll night long :( I hate it when people just drop animals off like that. He was soooo cute and sooo little. I put a "free kitten" sign up at my yard sale but no one took him. I had already decided that he was just going to be a new addition to our family... but when we were moving stuff inside after the yard sale he must have ran off & now I can't find him anywhere. I hope he comes back but if not, I hope he has found a good home!

After the yard sale me and my mom drove out to Fairview for Mandy (Baker) Doyle's baby shower. She is having a baby girl in July and her name will be Daphne Kate! She got some of the cutest little clothes ever and her nursery is just precious!! Such an exciting time for Mandy & Rodney!!

....and no. Missy & I did not plan our outfits! Ha! Great minds just think alike :)

That night Josh and I went over to his parent's house for dinner & it was really good also! His parents have a big garden and the gave me some rosemary and cilantro that they grew. I made some homemade salsa last night with the cilantro and it was very good!

Yesterday after church & lunch, we took the boat out and April & Ricky came out with us! We had so much fun. We fished most of the time. Josh & Ricky caught some fish but all we caught were trees LOL! It was still so much fun. It was a perfect day..actually this whole weekend was just perfect & beautiful!!

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