
Friday, July 31, 2009

flowers and my girls!

Today is "show us your life" Friday over at Kelly's Korner. The theme is bridesmaids and flowers from your wedding!! How fun!

I will begin with some of my favorite girls- my bridesmaids!!

From left to right- my cousin, Kelly.... my sister in law, Tiffani.... my longtime friend & "sister", Missy.... my cousin, Shauna... me!... my bfff & matron of honor, Annie... my good friend since high school, Emily.... and my other sister in law, Sarah.

These girls were my lifesavers the day of the wedding! Here were my flower girls. Hallie (my little cousin) and Mattie (Josh's little cousin). They were SO cute & funny!

Here is my good friend, April. She passed out our programs, which were cute fans that I made. Actually, I KILLED MYSELF over these fans. Definitely one of those things that if I could go back and do again.. I would SO order them or something. Anything but not make them myself. But they did turn out cute :)

Caprice over at Enchanted Florist did our flowers and did a GREAT job!! I loved them all. The bridesmaids carried a bouquet of white hydrangeas and pale pink roses. Here is one up close.

I really wish I had an UP CLOSE picture of my bouquet so you can see all the details but I really don't :( I do have the picture I got my inspiration from and here it is.

And here is mine! I LOOOVVVVED it! It consists of cream and pale pink roses, stephanotis flowers with pearls in the center, and gardenias.


  1. Love the flowers and pink dresses!

  2. I LOVE the color you chose for your bridesmaid dresses!

  3. Wow, very pretty flowers. Your florist did an excellent job. Very pretty dresses as well. The 'attitude' picture is my favorite :)

  4. Such beautiful pictures. I love your flowers. You made such a lovely bride!

  5. Your wedding was so beautiful!!! :)

  6. I made my own fan programs, too! Ohmygoodness, what a pain!!! :-)

    I'm not even sure anyone got a picture of all of mine, but I sure hope they did.

    Your flowers are just gorgeous!

  7. I love those fan programs. I was going to try and make our programs but I decided to order them.
    I've so enjoyed looking at all the ladies' wedding photos. There's so much love, beauty and creativity.
    I love your dress. Everyone looks so gorgeous.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful day!
