
Monday, July 6, 2009

today =

a day where not a single thing will get done here at the Conatser house.

Not only because America's Next Top Model Marathon is on but also because our computer is finally working again. We went a WHOLE week without our internet and it was so so sad. I am not a big TV kind of girl.. I mean, I have a couple of shows that I love but I am definitely a internet junkie. So now I have some serious catching up to do.

Our Atlanta trip seems like it was forever ago even though it was just last weekend... but it was so much fun! Kobe really wanted to go with us but he couldn't :( Joe & Paige kept him while we were gone!

We drove down on Thursday afternoon after Josh got off work. That was a big mistake since we got stuck in Chattanooga's 5:00 traffic PLUS Atlanta's wonderful traffic that they are known for. We finally made it to Turner Field so that I could drop Josh off to meet up with my dad & my brother to watch the Braves play the Yankees. They said it was a fun game and the Yankees won! While the guys were watching the game, me & my mom did a little shopping. Not much shopping since we got LOST trying to find the mall (the mall that I had directions to and we STILL got lost) but we got about 30 minutes in! ha. It was still fun.

The next day was my dad's birthday so we got up and had lunch with them before they left. We ate at Olive Garden & it was really good. I got my dad his favorite hairspray for his birthday!!! Doesn't it give him such BIG SEXY hair?!!!! HAHAHA!

I wonder how we can all sit at the same table...Yankee fans AND Red Sox fans?? Hmmmm. We all still love each other though!

After they left to come back to Nashville, Josh and I had a few hours before the game so we decided to go to the Aquarium and it was fun! They also had an exhibit with artifacts from the Titanic that they found it the bottom of the ocean. It was so cool!! They did not allow pictures so that is why I do not have any to show you will just have to believe me when I say how cool it was!

We got to the game early so we could watch batting practice and it was awesome! Our seats were great!! And the Red Sox won which made it even better!

I am going to be honest with you. I was a little skeptical about going to these baseball games even though I was so excited about our trip. I know how baseball can be SO boring when you watch it TV but it was not like that at all in person!! It was so much fun and there was so much going on that it was impossible to get bored. Saturday was fun also. We met up with some of Josh's friends that were in Atlanta for the game also. We met them at the Lenox Mall, which was AWESOME! It had 4 stories! Too bad I was with 4 boys. I would love to save up a bunch of money and go back to that mall for a girls trip. How fun would that be! Anyway, the game was good on Saturday also and we won again :-) Sunday morning we got up and headed back for good ol' Cheatham County. We were both ready to come home so we could see our Kobe!

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