
Thursday, August 13, 2009

NYC, Baby!!

Kelly, over at Kelly's Korner, is hosting another "Show us your life Friday" and today is Your Favorite Vacation Spot! Destin, Florida is by far my favorite vacation spot for the beach & relaxation....but we just got back from there and I have already talked all about Destin (you can read about it here ) ..... I will show you my 2nd favorite vacation spot! That is New York City!!

My family and I went to NYC three summers ago and stayed for 6 days. It was not long enough!! My dream is to go back at Christmas time :-) with Josh- he has never been! I bet it would be just beautiful at Christmas. Anyway, while we were there we did all the touristy things:

-saw the statue of liberty...pretty cool! We took a ferry over to Liberty Island. I pictured her to be really HUGE but when we got there, she was not as big as I thought she would be.

-went on top of the Empire State Building. Someone suggested that we go at night time so we did. It was beautiful!!! To see that big of a city at night with that many lights- wow!
-saw Ground Zero. This was so sad. I remember that morning watching it all unfold on TV. To be there in person was heartbreaking.

-Times Square :-) If you looked out our back window in our hotel, you would be facing Times Square. It was awesome and just how you see it on TV. I have never seen so many people!

-we went to Central Park. I must admit, I was really missin seeing some grass & trees & flowers so I was really happy to go here :-)

- my mom & I went to a Broadway show!! We saw Hairspray and OMW it was sooo good!!

-purses, purses, and more purses! I got a little carried away with the purse thing. I bought NINE of them. I had to stuff them in everyone's suitcases just to get them home!

-we won tickets to the David Letterman Show!! That was fun. Too bad Justin Timberlake or someone like that wasn't on there. We saw Michael Douglas though.

-the naked cowboy! Apparently he is a celebrity up there....This guy is so funny but kinda gross. I kept wondering - does he have a bunch of underwear that says Naked Cowboy on the back or does he wear the same ones over & over. FYI it was not my idea to touch his butt. He told me to...not that I would do anything a stranger would tell me to but everyone was doing it so whatever!

-this picture is pretty much HILARIOUS! We were wondering why everyone was looking at us so weird.....Well, we had these things on wrong!!!
Here is the correct way to wear it! Ha! Who knew???? Guess that is what happens when you get Cheatham Countians in the city!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you guys had a great time on that trip. We need to find a hair show up there or something so we have a good reason to go + a tax right off! By the way, you and your dad are so funny with those hats on!
