
Friday, September 18, 2009

mine :)

I love love love this song by Martina McBride! This is definitely how I feel about my hunny!!

I pinch myself sometimes to make sure I'm not in a dream....That's how it seems. I close my eyes and breathe in the sweetest moments I've ever known & It feels like home. And here I am... I want to be your everything. There you are... Turning winter into spring.

And everyone who sees you, always wants to know you. And everyone who knows you, always has a smile. You're standing ovation after years of waiting for a chance to finally shine. Everyone calls you amazing, Yeah, I just call you mine.

I fall apart... Just a word from you just somehow seems to fix whatever's wrong. Oh, you reach into the weakest moments and remind me that I'm strong. You've got to know I'd be a fool not to see you, even worse to forget that you're more than I deserve.

Cause everyone who sees you, always wants to know you. And everyone who knows you, always has a smile. You're standing ovation after years of waiting for a chance to finally shine. Everyone calls you amazing.... I just call you mine.

Nothing makes sense when you're not here, as if my whole world disappears. Without you, what's the point of it.

Cause everyone who sees you, always wants to know you. And everyone who knows you, always has a smile. You're the dream that I've been chasin' after years of waiting for a chance to finally shine. Everyone calls you amazing... I just call you mine.

22 years later......

Sunday is going to be a BIG day at Gateway Assembly of God. It will be my parents last day there :( Yes, that's right. After 22 years of pastoring there, my dad has been called to move on. He will be working in the District office and will be overseeing new Assembly of God churches all across the state. I do not know exactly all that he will be doing but he will be "a pastor to all pastors". He will travel on the weekends and pastor at different churches all across the state.

I have such mixed emotions. I am very, very happy and excited for them for many reasons. But at the same time I am sad. It is going to be very weird there without them there. Josh and I will still go there... it is my home church and this is where we live. But I think it has just really hit me- the fact that I will not be going to church with my family. That is something I never thought would happen. Growing up as a preachers daughter, I just always assumed it would stay that way. But God has a different plan and that is why I am happy & excited for them. Because God's plan may not always be what we plan for and want at the time, but he knows what is best. So I put my trust in HIM. But it will still be hard :(

The good thing is that our former youth pastor, Greg and Sarah Owens, will take over for the next few months until our church finds a new pastor. This will make the transition a little easier for everyone because everyone already knows and loves Greg and Sarah.

So this Sunday, there is going to be a BIG celebration for my parents on their last Sunday at Gateway. It is going to be a great day with lots of different emotions. Please keep them and our church in your prayers as we go through this transition!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

i. hate. paint.

I used to love to paint. So since we have rented for the past year, you can imagine how excited I was to be able to paint our new home, right? Right. The first few days I loved it! Well, we are on day 17 and it is still not all done. DAY SEVENTEEN. Okay, we have not painted our house all 17 days.... but when I am not at our house painting, I am at work painting people's hair.

Our original plan was to paint everything before we moved in. But it is taking SO long!! We had to prime all the trim and baseboards...then 2 coats of paint. Paint all the ceilings. Prime 2 of the rooms. Then, 2 coats of paint on all of the rooms. Not to mention, we are completely re-doing all of the kitchen cabinets!! This could take months!! So now I think our plan is just to get the kitchen, living room, and our bedroom done. The rest can be done after we move in a little at a time. So I think we are moving in this weekend!

We have gotten a lot done though. When I say "we" I mean, me and my mom!! I do not know what I would have done without her help!! She has been there every minute I have been there- plus more- helping me and I am sooo thankful! So thank you soooo much, mom! I love you!!

Josh has not helped much because he has been working in our basement on a little project :-) More to come on that!

Anyway, hope yall have a great week! I am off to paint some more....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It has happened again. Another suicide. This time it is a girl who was close to Josh's family- she graduated from Harpeth with my brother and sister in law. My heart breaks for this family & her little boy and all of her friends. Ever since I heard the news, I have felt drawn to pray for this family like no that is what I have been doing. Losing someone you love is without a doubt the worst feeling in whole world. But when you lose that special person because of them taking their own life.... there are so many different emotions. It just reminds us all again that we never know what someone else is really going through- so we, as Christians, should continually be praying for our family & friends.

So what now? Where do we go from here? We can't go back and change anything but we can change the future. This is one of my favorite scriptures in the whole bible. This scripture got me through so many sleepless nights. God spoke to me using this scripture & I hope he speaks to you too.

..for we should rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:3-5

Please keep the Gentry family in your prayers. Thank you.