
Monday, October 26, 2009

our home sweet home

You've asked for it, and you've finally got it. Here is our new home :)

I am absolutely in love with it. I especially love our maple in the front yard :) Ahhhh! Makes me want to make some cider! More pics coming soon!

back in business

These past two months have been SO crazy busy, to say the least. Let's see.. what all have we been up to?

(I would put exclamation marks/smiley faces beside each one of these but I will save u from that, so just imagine my happiness!!)

-bought out first home
-celebrated our first year of marriage
-completely restored our house, that was stuck in the 70's, to a house that is super cute
-finished out half of our basement
-started a business
-all at the same time of working our normal jobs without taking any days off

Whew. Just typing what we have done makes me tired all over again. BUT it was all worth it! We are now in our home that we looooove :) and I now have my own salon! We put a salon in our basement so that I can work from home and I absolutely L O V E it.

These past two months have been so stressful and exciting at the same time. But I can officially say that I think if our marriage can survive what we have gone through, we can survive anything! YESSSSS!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

major slacker

Yes, Yes, I know. I have been a major slacker in the internet department. Not only with blogging, but my friends on facebook have been asking to see pictures of our new house for over a month now.....and.......I just have not gotten around to it yet!! But I promise they are coming! My life is a disorganized mess right now and it is driving me crazy because I like for everything to be in it's place and it is SO not. Our first night in our new home was Monday! I absolutely love it here and I will love it even more when our hot water heater decides it wants to start working again......and when our washer and dryer gets hooked up......and my dishwasher gets hooked up (bc washing dishes in cold water in the sink is just not my thing). But mostly I just want a hot shower. Is it too much to ask for??? I don't know what the deal is. It did work- but after the guys moved it from one side of our basement to the other, it just has not worked since. It has started to get a little warm. But it is just enough to make you mad. Anyway, I know I have complained a lot but I really do love our little home :) It is perfect and reminds me of the house I grew up in. Pictures coming soon!! Promise!!