
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our Christmas:)

Our Christmas this year was wonderful :) It was crazy busy, but great! We were able to spend time with just about all of our family, which is pretty huge considering all of my family is spread out everywhere!
Josh's granny had a dinner on the 23rd and that was fun. Josh's little cousins were there entertaining everyone singing Christmas songs like Happy Birthday Jesus!! Soo precious!!
Josh's granny and his little cousin, Mattie

Christmas Eve morning we traveled with my parents to Memphis to see my aunt, uncle, cousins, and my granny. It was so great to see everyone!! It was a short trip because we had to come back that same day but it was well worth it.

me and my granny :)

That night we went to Josh's brother & his wife's house to celebrate with Josh's dads side. We always play dirty santa and it was so funny! There are always some good gifts but there are always some crazy gifts also, Ha! Luckily, I ended up with a good one :) Josh, however, ended up with a hat with a pig on it! It was fun :) (I don't have any pics from that night bc my camera was dead!)

Christmas morning we woke up and did our Christmas together :) This year we just got a big gift for each other which was surround sound!! It is awesome! I also got something pretty cool :) More to come on that! But we did do stockings for each other and we also got a stocking for Kobe! He loved it! Our little reindeer in training :)
Later on, we went to Josh's parents house for breakfast. She always does a huge breakfast and it is sooo good! I could have went back to sleep after that :) We hung out there for a little while and spent time with everyone and opened presents. Us kids all went together and got Josh's mom this china set she has been wanting. She loved it! That afternoon we went to my parents for dinner! My mom always makes THE best Christmas dinner. This time she made ribs, steak, shrimp scampi and veggies :) Then we opened our presents. I got some cuuuutttee cowboy boots that I have been wanting! Of course we had to plan everything around the Titans game that was on that night.. too bad we lost.... but we did go see Sherlock Holmes late that night and it was actually really good!
We stayed the night with my parents that night because we had to get up early the next morning and drive to Alabama to see my aunt and uncle!! We met them at Cracker Barrel and had a good time! We did a little shopping afterwards and then came home..
Sooo talk about a BUSY Christmas! Ha! But it was great! We hope yall had a great one too!!

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