
Friday, January 8, 2010

SEW CUTE baby bib

Do you remember me talking about visiting my cousin, Shauna, in Knoxville back in this post? If you don't remember her sweet baby girl, Sidney, then let me remind you :)She is PRECIOUS! I wanted to make something special for her. I remember seeing this tutorial about 6 months ago and thinking I could do something like that one day. So I saved it to my favorites and forgot about it :) Until I started thinking about what I could make and then it hit me!! It was pretty simple.

Please note this was the 1st time I have ever made anything with a pattern.. so is it perfect?? Nope. Did it turn out exactly like the pattern?? Nope. But it did turn out super cute and I can see myself making many more of these in the future!

Print the pattern that is in the tutorial above and find some cute fabric. I loved the cute pink & chocolate fabric I got at Hobby Lobby about 6 months ago. It has been in the pile of "projects to be done" for a while now. You know, the pile that drives my hubby CRAZY!

After you cut your fabric, lay it on top of a towel. I chose a chocolate towel from Wal-Mart. This will be the back of your bib.

Now you have the front and back of your bib. I will have to admit that the hardest thing about making this bib was cutting out the hole for the neck. Don't ask why. It was just awkward.

Please refer to the tutorial above for the rest of the instructions!! I tried to tell you but decided to delete it all because it just sounded confusing!! Jill is much better at explaining :)

This is what it looked like when I was done!! I thought it turned out super cute. Shauna and Sidney thought so too:)

{I should have ironed it before I took these pictures but you get the picture!}

I used my embroidery machine to do the "S". I have had my embroidery machine for about a year now and have barely used it at all. It takes time to learn how to use it and we have moved twice since I have had no time! But I am learning to make time now and I am getting the hang of it. I LOVE IT!

I made this all by myself and without my hubby so I am linking this to Shanty 2 Chic as well! Have a great day :)


  1. SUPER cute! I had a little dream a couple years back to make cute bibs and sell them. I have a huge container in my hall closet with lots of cut out bibs, but um, none of them put together. They are so cute still. :) You've inspired me to finish them up. Except, um, I don't know how to sew! That's on my list for this year.

    Stopped over from Shanty2Chic. Love your blog! I'm now a follower.

    And might I add, you & hubby are SO adorable! And you, my dear, are gorgeous!

  2. Hi! I stumbled on your blog from Shanty2Chic! I'm a follower now too! I couldn't help but notice your adorable Kobe and how similar he looks to our little puppy we got this Christmas. Maggie is 1/2 yorkie 1/2 westie. I was wondering how big is Kobe now? Maggie is only 4 months and weighs 7 lbs. She has such a good disposition and she loves to cuddle! I sure hope she doesn't outgrow that! Is Kobe still a cuddler?

    PS.great job on the bib and monogram!

  3. I've made some of these too! So fun, pretty and so unique! I've used them as gifts and they're always appreciated. My sister is using them and they're her favorite because they really soak things up. You did a great job! I love the monogram and cute closure too!


  4. Laurie- We are not really sure what Kobe is:) When we got him last Christmas, the lady we got him from said he was 1/2 yorkie 1/2 shi tzu. Well, you can tell he has NO shi tzu in him whatsoever!! He was only supposed to be 5 lbs full grown and is 15 lbs now! He is just over a year old. We think he may have some schnauzer in him. But even though we dont know what he is, we love him sooooo so much!! And yes, he is a major cuddler:) I bet your Maggie is precious!

    and Thanks yall for all the sweet comments about the bib :)

    Have a great day!
