
Sunday, January 31, 2010


This has been SUCH a fun weekend:) We got about 5-6 inches of snow and it is so pretty. I have not seen this much snow since I was a little girl! It started up Friday morning and snowed pretty much all day Friday and some of Saturday.

Josh, his brother & our neighbor Ronnie have started a snow plowing business. It is good money but poor things have been out in this mess since Friday night. They worked all night Friday night (during the night) and came home around 11 on Saturday and took a 2 hour nap. Then headed back out yesterday and did not get back home til late last night. Then left again at 4 am this morning and he is STILL not home. He is going to pass out as soon as he gets home I am sure.

So it has been pretty much a girls weekend so it has been fun:) Friday night me, my sister in law Tiffani (who is expecting her 1st baby in August so we will be an aunt & uncle!! yay!), and Jennifer (Ronnie's wife) hung out and watched movies. Then yesterday morning my other sister in law, Sarah, came over and stayed the night. She just left and I am worn out! Here is what our weekend consisted of:)

Kobe LOVED the snow!! He ran around like crazy when he first got out in it! He didn't know what to think. Then he started eating the snow!

Here are my in laws! I am so happy they were able to bring Sarah over!This is Jennifer & Ronnie's (our next door neighbors) little boy, Tripp! Is he not the CUTEST thing ever:) We took him for a ride on the sled down our road and he just loved it. He cried when Jennifer took him back in..We also found a huge hill close to our house & went sledding!! Talk about FUN!
The worst part was walking back up the hill! Talk about a WORK OUT!
Today after church, Sarah and I decided to build a snowman:) Sounds easy, right???? Nope. I never knew how hard it was to build one! Ha! But he turned out really cute!

We also made snow cream and watched the Miss America pageant! I really wanted Miss Tennessee to win but I thought Miss Virginia was so gorgeous!!

I am so ready for Josh to be back home. Tonight we are going to eat leftover chili and watch 19 kids and counting. Its the new episode and I am so excited:) Hope yall have a great night as well!

1 comment:

  1. Aw... Looks like you had some good times... :)

    I have to say. Your pup is sooo dang cute!!! I just want to scratch his little chin! haha....
