
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Well, after about a 6 week break from the blogging world, I am back! Things have been so busy around here.... I am still learning how to balance my time between having my own salon & working all the time... to keeping a house up & cooking & cleaning & time for God and my hubby... and still having time left over for me. It is starting to get easier but it does make me wonder how everyone does it! And we don't even have kids yet! Joyce Meyer spoke yesterday on how to be fruitful with our time and not just "busy". I am going to try to do this but I will tell you, it is hard!!

Speaking of Joyce Meyer (which by the way, I love her!!!) she is having a conference next month in Chattanooga and my mom and I are going!! Just booked the hotel yesterday! It is only a couple of hours away and I figured it would be fun to have a little girls trip with my mom :) Not that my mom really needs to see her again.... seeing that she MET HER last week!! I am so jealous! My mom and dad went to a conference in Florida and Joyce spoke along with George Bush and Laura Bush!! My mom said Laura Bush was SUCH a classy lady and a great speaker. She also said that George Bush was really good and very laid back. I would have loved to hear them. They didn't get to meet the Bush's but she got to meet Joyce!!

Has anyone been watching American Idol??? I HAVE! It is our favorite show:) Last night was very good. It makes me wonder who will get voted off tonight because I thought they all did pretty good. It is hard to pick a favorite but I really really really love Lee! I love his voice! I could so see myself going to one of his concerts!

Another favorite is Lacey! I have loved her from the beginning. I love her style! She is just so cute and sweet and has the most unique voice. After watching the show last night and learning that she has been a pastors daughter pretty much her whole life makes me love her even more because I have too:) Buuutttt.... I wasn't 100% crazy about her performance last night. It wasn't that I didn't like it but it wasn't my favorite so hopefully she won't be voted off. We shall see.

And of course, Tuesday night is just not the same around here without the Duggar's! I just love them :) Their little baby, Josie, is precious!!!

There was a new show last night called Quintuplet Surprise... it was good. I will be watching it again but I feel SO sorry for these parents. I can't imagine having 5 babies and not having any income for 6-7 months. Wow!

So as you can tell Tuesday nights are my favorite! I love to have supper all done by 7:00 and eating (on the couch in front of the tv, of course!) with my sweet hubby watching our favorite shows! We will be doing the same thing tonight:) Have a great day!

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