
Friday, April 23, 2010

Show Us Your Life: How I met my hubby:)

Josh and I actually knew each other when we were babies! Our families went to church together but then Josh and his family started going to a different church. They came back in November 2005. That is when we met :) I remember turning around and seeing them a few rows back and wondering who they were and thinking... Hmmm he is kinda cute! I got to meet them after church but did not think much about it. At the time I was going through a lot and did not want to date anyone.... BUT when Josh left church that day, he told his brother he was going to MARRY ME one day! Crazy, huh?! Yea, his brother thought he was too! Ha.

I only saw Josh a few times over the next 6 months or so because he was in college a couple of hours away. But when he was not playing baseball on the weekends he would come home and come to church. Josh's mom and sister tell me how he would ask about me all the time and wonder if he should talk to me and all that! But he was too scared to talk to me! But he did somehow get my number and call me to wish me a Happy Birthday. I still didn't think much of it!!! Then that summer he began calling and texting more.....and I would just blow him off! I feel bad about it now but like I said, I was still not interested in dating anyone at all. But something happened that summer while we were in Destin (2006). I remember laying on the beach just very depressed (maybe I will elaborate more on why one day...maybe....) but I just knew my life was about to change. I knew that God had big plans for my life and that he wanted me to be happy. That's when I started thinking more and more about Josh...

A few weeks later, Josh called me and we talked for hours! I remember feeling like I had known him forever! He asked me out and I said yes:) Our first date we went to eat at Logans and then played laser tag. It was fun! A couple of weeks later we hung out again... This time he took me fishing and I had the BEST time!!!! It was the perfect day and I will remember it forever:) It didn't take me long to know he was the one God had picked out for me. I think when its just don't need a year or so to think about it. I just KNEW..we both did!

Josh was still in school a couple of hours away but he came home every weekend to see me. And he would write me the SWEETEST letters and send them in the mail:) He still writes me sweet letters instead of getting me cards on special occasions and that is one of my favorite things in the world! (and I keep them ALL!) I will never forget the letter he wrote me only a couple of months after we started dating...he told me he loved me and he wanted to take care of me for the rest of my life:) Wow. I had fallen for this boy and still do every day!

This pic was taken that day I was telling you we went fishing for the 1st was the very 1st time I went over to his house. We were pulling the boat out of the driveway and there was a RATTLESNAKE in the driveway!!!!! He stopped the truck & killed it with a shovel! If you know me then you know snakes scare me more than anything....and then he had to pick it up!! boys...

This was a couple of months later! He took me hunting in this big deer stand their dad built. It was pretty fun even though we didn't kill anything!
We got engaged on July 26th 2007 in Destin, Florida. We were there with my family and he proposed on the beach one night. It was just me and him and it was absolutely perfect:) Another night I will remember forever! Here is one of our engagement pictures. And then we got married on September 6, 2008!!! It was PERFECT! Best day of my life, by far!

1 comment:

  1. aw! such a sweet story! and i love your wedding dress! xoxo
