
Friday, May 7, 2010

Flood 2010

This week has been just devastating. If you keep up with the news, then I am sure you have heard about all the flooding in Nashville and surrounding areas. They call it the 500 year flood because you will only see this kind of flooding once every 500 years. Crazy. We live on a hill so luckily our house was fine... but Josh's brother and his wife live about ten minutes from here & their house was completely under water. They were able to get all of their things out of their house and they also have flood insurance so that is good. But Tiffani is 6 months pregnant and now they are pretty much homeless. They are staying with us for now. I told them they could stay as long as they wanted. They are going to have to tear their house down and build all over again. It's just so so sad :( Here is Josh and his brother moving things in their yard. At this point, it was just flooded in the back yard. You can't tell but they have an in ground pool right under this water..About 1 am on Monday morning the water started getting into their house so that is when they started moving everything out. This picture was taken a couple of days later.. This water is very nasty... sewer and snakes...Another terrible thing is that our church was completely flooded :( Every time I see it I just want to cry. This picture was taken the day it started flooding..This picture was taken on day 2. You can see how high it is by looking at the glass door. The water was about 5 feet high. The sad thing is that everything was a complete loss on the inside. Everything. They started clean up yesterday and it is just amazing to see how everyone has come together to help. The church did not have flood insurance... so this is pretty devastating. But GOD has been working in big ways already. A company from Pennsylvania came down to TN to make some money pressure washing and doing clean up. Well, they came to our church wanting to know if we wanted a quote, but our pastor told them our situation about how we could not afford it. (Other companies already quoted around $50,000) After a few minutes they came and told our pastor how they wanted to bless us and do it all for FREE! I cannot believe it! Another amazing thing.. a drywall company is tearing down all of the drywall and replacing it all for FREE! Wow. So even though I am so upset about everything, I know God is already working and taking care of us and he has a plan for our church!!

Here are some more pics from around our small town. Who knows when Wal Mart will reopen....
The park & post office here in Ashland City..

Our sheriffs house that is right next door to our church..
The rest of these pictures were taken across the river in South Cheatham where all of Josh's family lives. Josh's Granny's house also got flooded...Luckily, I think they will be able to fix it without having to tear down and rebuild.

So many people have lost everything and I feel guilty right now sitting here in my perfectly fine house. I am so thankful but feel terrible for everyone. Please keep everyone in your prayers..

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