
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Uncle Josh

Addy is one lucky little girl....

she has no clue yet how lucky she really is......

because she has an uncle who loves her Soooo much & thinks the world of her!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meet my niece!

Addyson Marie Conatser
Born on August 15 at 5:49 pm
9 lbs.
20 1/2 in.

Is she not just precious?! I love her so much!
I made this blanket for her..more on that later.
Oh my goodness! I'm gonna spoil you rotten :)

A couple of newer pics..
HA!! Love her!!

You will be seeing much more of Miss Addy in the future :) When my SIL goes back to work in a few weeks I will keeping her on Mondays and I am SO excited:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

just kitchen dreamin'

Ugh. I really hate my kitchen.
If you know me well then you know that we have been waiting on our 1st time home buyers credit so that I can re-do my kitchen. Well, the lovely IRS decided to make me wait for 1 whole year. Thanks a lot..... So you can imagine my excitement when I checked the mail last week and found that check for $7,138.75!!! Yayyy!! To get the kitchen of my dreams it would take every penny (and more!) of that check..... but since we are not planning on living in this house forever, I don't want to put that much money into it. Also, we decided to pay off the hubby's student loans. I'm not gonna miss that EdFinancial bill every month :) I am left with approximately $2000 (and a little more) to make my ugly kitchen look as close as possible to the kitchen of my dreams. Wish me luck!!!
Here are a few pictures of some of my dream kitchens :)
WOWWW! I am in love with this 1st pic!! It has everything I love.... white cabinets, dark countertops, dark hardware, and dark hardwood floors. Oh and an island, glass doors, and lots of lighting :)

I love the beadboard in this pic! Beadboard is a MUST for my new kitchen. And what a cute little oven hood!

Pretty glass cabinets :) I love the way they have panes that look like a window....not sure what you call it....

Ahhhhh :) Love the dog too!!!

Ahhhh:) One day I'd love to have an island with a pot rack like this. And I love the tile backsplash!

Pretty, Pretty :)

OH and we cannot forget about the farmhouse sink that I am dying to have!!!! Love the apple green & red accessories:) and can I pleeeease have a window sill big enough to put some pretty flowers on?!

Another farmhouse sink and beadboard:)

Hmmmm.....should I get a farmhouse sink for the house we are in now??!!!

Ahhhh :) Maybe one day.
A girl can only dream.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I have decided..

that I do not want to be a football widow every single football season.
I grew up with my dad and my brother being huge Tennessee football fans. Normally me and my mom would just go shopping or something while the game was on :)
Then I met Josh. He LOVES football. (and baseball and golf and fishing and hunting and many other hobbies....) So if I wanted to see him this time of year I had to be able to watch some football, so I did....well, I watched the TV. But in my mind I was thinking about every other thing besides football. Ha. Don't act like you don't do the same thing!
But over the past few years it has started to grow on me. I pay more and more attention to it but still did not really know what was going on. So I have decided to learn the game. Luckily, I have a good teacher! I am no pro but atleast I now know what a fumble is :)
I really want to go to a Tennessee game this year. We have been looking for tickets on Craigslist for the Tennessee/Alabama game. Hopefully we can find some!
And I really hope we beat Oregon tonight! GO VOLS!

Friday, September 10, 2010

2 years of BLISS :)

I cannot believe it has been 2 years since this beautiful day :)

Our anniversary was September 6th .. which was on Labor Day this year. We really needed a couple of days away so we decided to go to Chattanooga. Let me just say, I love Chattanooga! There are so many things to do there and we did not even get to do all that we wanted to do. We stayed at The Sheraton and WOW! It is so so nice and their beds are wonderful! So comfy :) Our relaxing trip consisted of good food, live music on the river front, an amazing couples massage, Ruby Falls, Rock City, and quality time spent with my love! Here are a few pics:

I am SO thankful for my husband. He is such a good hubby and my best friend. The Lord has seriously blessed me with way far than I deserve and I am so glad he did :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back in the swing of things...

Whew! This has been a crazy summer. It has been a great summer- just crazy. I never knew a flood could affect your life so much without your house even being flooded. But I promise to try and keep up from here on out. So much has happened over the last several months- projects, our anniversary, baby showers, my niece being born, trips... and SO much more! Can't wait to share ;)

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are glad! Psalm 126:3