
Friday, December 31, 2010

Bring on 2011

I hate to say this...but I will be happy to say goodbye to 2010 and say hello to 2011!!! This year was pretty tough in several different ways that I will not go into BUT it has given me a new perspective on things for this next year :)

I have several New Year's resolutions.. I don't know if you could really call them "New Year's" resolutions because I have already started doing these things before the New Year has even gotten here. I figure if there are things that need to change...why wait til a certain day, let's just get on with it now!!

{these are in no particular order}
1. Work out and eat healthy!!! I know I say this every year...but this year it's gotta happen!! Josh and I both need to lose some pounds so we joined a gym a couple of weeks ago & we already feel so much better. It is SO much easier to work out & eat healthy when you have someone who is doing it with you and motivating you :)

2. From now on, I am going to enjoy each day- day to day. No more looking in the past or looking forward to the future to things that I want.....I am going to enjoy each day God has given me!!

3. I want to get organized. Big time. We have already been working on that this week actually. The hubby has been building some shelves in our basement so we can store totes and different things. It is going to be soooo nice! I even got SO excited when I bought some totes the other day made just for Christmas ornaments!! Anything that makes my life easier & more organized makes me very happy :)

4. Bills. Bills. Bills. I want them paid off & I want to save more money! Hopefully Josh will get that job (interview in a few weeks so please be praying!!!) so it will be much easier to do this. We have a few medical bills recently that has put us behind. We also have a couple of other smaller loans we had to take out that we need to pay off.

5. I want to be a better person. A better wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I want to help people more. I want to always remember that no matter what is going on in life- there is always someone out there who has it much worse so I want to not be so consumed in my "stuff" and start helping others more.

6. Last, but NOT least, I want to read my bible more and pray more. It seems like life gets so busy sometimes that I do not do these two as much as I should. I want to have a closer relationship with God & I am the only thing keeping that from happening. . but that is going to change :)

So bring on 2011!!!!! I hope this year brings some pretty amazing things our way and your way too :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year was a perfect Christmas :) and it was a white one! The good thing was that the roads were still good so we were able to go everywhere we wanted to go AND Josh didn't have to work on Christmas!! They did end up having to go out the next morning and lay out ice melt but he had Christmas Eve & Day off. Yay! We had breakfast at Josh's parents house and had dinner at my parents house & it was all soooo good. It was so good to see all the ones we love most in one day! I took a bunch of pics but decided to only upload a few...I'm feeling lazy today! Ha.
I hope you all had a great Christmas as well!! I CANNOT believe 2011 will be here in just 2 days. Where in the world has this year gone.....?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

a white Christmas???

Sooo they are saying it is supposed to snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year. If it does, it will be the 1st time in 17 years that it has happened. Pretty cool, huh?? Well, not if your hubby has a snow plowing business....which mine does!! Yes, the money will be great and I will be thankful for that but I sure will be sad if he has to work on Christmas :(
On a brighter note, my Christmas break has officially begun!! I have been working like crazy trying to make everyone look pretty before Christmas but today was my last day. I am now off for 1 whole week! And next week I am only working 2 days then I am taking another whole week off! I figured it will be a good time to take off since most of my clients have come in right before Christmas :)
I saw this video the other day and thought it was so good!! Things are definitely different now than the day our Saviour was born!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas at Rachel's Hair Studio :)

I don't think I have ever posted pics of my salon on here!! What is wrong with me?! Well, now you get to see it all decorated for Christmas :)

yes.....I know I have a light that is out. I have changed it so many times. I think it actually has a short in it...Grrrrr.
I love this garland I got 50% off at Michael's.
And I have the famous pole that most basements have so I had to make it look Christmasy too :)
I also got this cute little tree at Michaels's 50% off. My mom made this chalkboard frame using a platter and chalkboard paint. Love it!I love this wreath :) I got it at Home Goods last year.....but this year I added some poinsettias and it looks so pretty hanging on the bathroom door!I even decorated the little table in the bathroom. Yes, my bathroom has stripes and I love it :) More on that later....So there you go. I will try to do better about posting salon pics...especially since I have a few projects coming up :)

Have a great night!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like **Christmas**

We decorated for Christmas the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I am just now getting around to taking some pictures . . .

For the past 3 years, we have had a little tradition :) We spend one whole day going to get our tree, putting it up & decorating it, putting up other decorations, listening to Christmas music, eating a big breakfast (this year we ate breakfast for supper!), and watching movies. We had so much fun!

Josh likes having a real tree... which I do love. Especially last year because we got our tree at Wal Mart and it was SO pretty and did really good. This year we got ours at Lowe's and I am a little disappointed. I keep it watered and within 4-5 days of putting it up, it stared to wilt :( I don't know why!! I think it will make it til Christmas but its just a little sad... I do still love it though. I love sitting here with my hunny & my Kobe in front of it.... which I am right now :)

Here it is!I even have a couple of presents wrapped!I am still in LOVE with my "entertainment center"! I bought it from a man off Craigslist back earlier in the year. He actually has a business where he buys furniture and refinishes it and then re-sells it. I bought a dresser from him for my bedroom a couple of weeks ago and I love it too. This one is an antique buffet that has been painted white & distressed to look shabby chic. Love that look! I took the 2 drawers out on the sides and put baskets in instead. Then instead of having a drawer in the middle, I use it for my cable box and DVD player. Love it!!
Back to the Christmas thing I do love about having a real tree is that it is normally too big and we have to cut it down, which means I have tons of greenery leftover to decorate with :)

Our entryway..

I got this cute nativity scene last year after Christmas on sale at Belk and I just love it! The best part is that I forgot I bought it and when I was unpacking my Christmas box I found it! Yay:)
Wish we had a mantle....for now this will do!Can't forget the mistletoe!Our dining room table...And my favorite ornaments....
Annie got this for us our 1st Christmas :)
We bought this one on our honeymoon at Disney:)That's about it! I will post Christmas pics of the salon soon:)

Monday, December 13, 2010

This weekend was SO much fun! My mom's birthday was Saturday so .....


I love you :)

We went to visit my mom's sister in Alabama for the weekend. My cousin, Kelly, just had a baby 5 weeks ago and she is the cutest baby I have ever seen!! Not only is she the most cuddly thing ever, but her hair is sooo long and dark!! Precious!! Oh, and she did so good while we were taking pictures!

Meet Abigail Lenn Yeldell :)

I love this one :) This is me, my cousin Kelly, Abby, my mom, and my Aunt Brenda.

I held Abby all day on Saturday and was soooo sad when we had to leave :( My cousin and her hubby live in Colorado so who knows when I will be able to see them again...

It was a good thing we left when we did though because this is what happened yesterday......


Kobe had SOOO much fun playing in it!
HAHAHA! This picture just makes me laugh! All the snow stuck in his beard :)

Our front porch :) It feels so Christmasy around here. I can't even remember getting snow this has been a long time!
Me and my love :) ha....there is a smile under that thing on his face!
Hope u have a great week!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I loooove this song! Please take a minute to listen to it. It was originally sung by Joy Williams but Brian Littrell does a great job with it also. Gotta love those Backstreet Boys:) I just think it is awesome that he is now a Christian artist!! Anwyay, hope you have a great day!