
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another snow day!

Thank u LORD!! I think it has seriously snowed every single week for a while now! I know some people are so over the snow but I am saying bring it on! I do hate that Josh has been working all night and I worry about him so much while he is gone ( I did not sleep hardly AT ALL last night ) but I am soooo thankful! God always provides :)

This time I am thinking we got about 3-4 inches. We were watching the snow last night when it started coming down and they were probably the biggest snow flakes I have ever seen. It is soooo pretty.

I must say ( and I think this is the 1st time I have ever said this... ) that I am really enjoying this winter we are having. Usually, I hate the cold and it is so depressing..... but I have decided that this year I am going to enjoy each and every season....winter, spring, summer, and fall but also each season of my life! It probably is helping knowing that we are leaving in 2 days for our cruise!!! :)

One of my clients came in to get her hair done yesterday. She was telling me how stressed she has been and how she heard this little saying that really touched her.....

"All is going according to plan. Trust that there is a bigger picture. Trust that life is unfolding as it should."

I don't think she realized how much I needed to hear that also. I know those words are true but lately I have not been believing them as much as I should. I needed that reassurance :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the quote in this post. This was exactley what I needed today. Thank you :) Have a great day!
