
Friday, January 21, 2011

Meet my Brother :)

Today is "Show us your Singles" over at Kelly's Korner! I know she did this a while ago and I did not participate but after I saw where 2 couples are now ENGAGED because of it I decided I just had to!

Meet my brother, Michael!

(Btw, he has no clue at the moment that I am doing this!! I am going to tell him later on today and I am sure he won't mind :))

*This pic was taken at our rehearsal dinner*

He lives in Hendersonville, TN which is right outside of Nashville.

*This pic was taken in Destin, FL at our favorite restaurant there. He is in the middle....look at those huge steaks!!*

He is 32 years old and works for Opryland Hotel. He works on the General Jackson and in the hotel.

*Me & Michael-another pic taken in Destin*

He is such a great guy! He is funny and has a very sweet & gentle heart :)

*Me & Michael-this pic was taken at my best friend's wedding a few years ago*

He is also very cute & handsome, as you can tell :)

*This pic was taken in NYC a few years ago.*

He loves Tennessee football and the NY Yankees!

*This pic was taken at our wedding!*

*Family picture from our wedding*

He loves his family and he loves the Lord :)

He is such a wonderful big brother and always has been :)

This is definitely one of my all time favorite pictures :) I love him so much! He is so special to me and I pray all the time that God will bring that special person in his life! I know God has a plan for his life and he has someone perfect picked out for him.

If you are interested in getting to know him or know someone who may be just leave me a comment or you can email me at!

Have a great day & thanks for stopping by :)


  1. You had me until you mentioned Tennessee and the Yankees! Blech! :-)

  2. I live just right south of Nashville!

  3. Well, if he ever wants to visit CO, send him my way!

  4. awe what a handsome man! I'm interested :) 22, christian , family girl!

  5. Well I live in Atlanta.. not sure if that's to far away.. check out what my sister wrote about me.

  6. I live in Nashville and actually live 3 miles from Opryland!

  7. Is GA too far away?!?!

    my blog link is:

    and my sister wrote about me here:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi!! I am so happy to find someone in Nashville.

    Check out my post about my fabulous friend in Nashville.

    If interested, you can leave me a comment or e-mail her directly at TeeshaLynn81 at gmail dot ocm.

  10. I am 29 and live in NC. Not too far away. Your brother is very handsome! I am 29 and work in education. I love the Lord and would love to hear from your brother.

  11. He's very cute! He may not like that I'm a Crimson Tide girl, though! But I can be nice (except for the third Saturday in October, of course!)

    Here's the link my friend wrote up about me!

  12. He seems like a great catch!

    I'm not sure if he's interested in a Florida girl (with Nashville connections), but you can check out my blog.

    If you think we could be a match, let me know!

  13. seems like a great guy. I live in MS so not too far away. my sister did a post on me and my email is

  14. too bad he isn't a cubs fan... ya'll are adorable!

  15. I live in Colorado, but I would be interested in getting to know him. If he has approved your posting, please send him my info. I am a strong believer and have an interest in missions.
