
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Sunday was my dad's birthday! My parents were out of town most of the weekend but got back that afternoon so we could spend some time with him :) We took him out to dinner at Longhorn & had a great night together!

I love my family SO much!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Addy's fun day with her Aunties!

I got to babysit Addyson today and it was such a fun day :) My SIL, Sarah, was off today so she came over to hang out with us. We did ALL kinds of fun things......
went for a walk down our road.....

our neighbor, Jennifer, came along & brought her 2 little boys. Tripp liked pushing his baby brother :)

Trav was OUT!

we played in the grass for a little while.....

and when Addy doesn't get her way she will let you know by putting out that bottom lip! ha!

Aunt Rachel is a messy baby feeder :)

she LOVED playing on the bed!!

pretty girl :)

she had a little bedhead after her nap!

OH and we painted her toenails pink!!!! :)

I just love her SO much!

I am LOVING the feather trend!!! I ordered some for the salon & they finally came in :)

I also put a couple in my friend Jennifer's hair.
So that is what my day consisted of! Needless to say I am very worn out even though it was a very good day!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day 2011

We had a great Father's Day this year! We were able to spend most of the day with both of our dads & families which made it perfect :)  Josh & I are both so thankful for our dads. God truly blessed us that is for sure. We love them both so very much!!

We took my dad out to eat at his favorite restaurant- Outback! Here he is getting all teary eyed opening one of the gifts we got him :)
I framed a picture of me & him when I was a baby in a frame that says Daddy's Girl & he loved it :)
 Yep, I am still a daddy's girl!

 That night we went to Josh's brothers house for a fish fry! It's been a tradition the last few years to do a fish fry on Father's Day at their house & we had such a good time. Josh's whole family comes & they always invite my family too which makes it fun. We ate waaaayyyy too much though! Ha.

So just on Sunday alone I ate ribs & a salad & a baked potato at Outback...then a few hours later I ate fried EVERYTHING and tons of this week I am cooking very healthy all week & getting back into working out. Me & my mom & my dad went to a spin class last night and it was so good! I am soooo sore today though....but that just means it worked, right :) Hope so because 4 weeks from today I will be sitting on the beach!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lacie's 1st birthday party!

 Happy 1st birthday Lacie!!!

This past year has flowwwn by, that is for sure. It just seems like yesterday I was holding her in the hospital and yesterday she was running all over the place at her 1st birthday party :)

We got to babysit Addy for a few hours yesterday so we took her to the party and she was SO good! I am telling you- she is like the perfect baby. Even though she got very sleepy she did not cry or get fussy at all! Everyone was bragging on her :)

Pretty birthday girl!

Annie with Lacie & Addy

Josh & Louis..his friend from high school who is married to my friend, Audrey.

she wasn't really sure what to think about the cake!


me & Audrey

my bfff!