
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend

We went camping this weekend at the Caney Fork with our friends, Audrey & Louis, and Sarah got to come too! We had a great time. I love to camp but I can say that I am glad to be home in my air conditioned house and my soft bed!! Ha.

the water was freezing & I did not have any waders but went fishing with my hunny anyway!! I didn't catch a thing but he caught a lot as usual..

Kobe was WORN OUT!!!!! I have never seen him so tired!

our little set up:)

we ate A LOT of good food :)

we got to watch fireworks at Center Hill & they were Soooo pretty!!!

I thought Kobe was going to have a heart/panic attack. Poor thing was so scared of the fireworks :(

we went canoeing on the river. so relaxing!

Kobe like playing with the fish..

rainbow trout

crazy hair!!! ha

Annie & Nathan & Lacie got to come Sunday night and grill out with us!

she is such a cutie!!

the girls :)

the guys :)
 We left camp early Monday morning and got breakfast at IHOP & then went straight to Pegram. Every year they have a HUGE 4th of July event. It starts with a parade in the morning...then they have tons of food and baseball games and pageants and all kinds of fun stuff. They had 1 booth selling everything fried------fried snickers, fried milky way, fried oreos, fried moon pies, fried COKE (not sure how they did that one). I had to pass on all of those. They just sounded like they would make me very sick!

4th of July baby :)

she was so tired!

Adam & Tiffani put her in the baby pageant! she was too cute.....

there were a lot of other really cute babies too so she didn't win....but she is #1 in our book!
 We FINALLY got home after a looooong (but fun!) weekend and decided to just hang out at home & grill out. We were SO exhausted. We didn't need to go see any fireworks because Krantz Court had enough, that is for sure! We bought some and it was fun.. but it makes me nervous when Josh lights one and says "I don't know what this one is going to do..." But luckily we are still alive & in one piece :)

Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday America!!!

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