
Monday, July 11, 2011

Tailfeathers :)

 I am sure you have seen the FEATHER craze that is going on right now. If not, you are really missing out!! Feathers are so much fun and so cute! And I promise you that everywhere you go people will comment on how cute your feathers are :) Ha.

I cannot even begin to tell you how many feathers I have put in for people. They are really hard to find though because they are always sold out & when they update their inventory they sell out in 10 MINUTES! Usually I am working when they update their inventory so luckily I have a wonderful mom who goes online to order them for me :) (in the past 2 weeks I have placed 4 orders bc they sell so fast!) and I love the company I order from because they have excellent customer service & they are great quality feathers. You can wash them, curl them, and even flat iron them!!

I have 4 skinny ones in my hair right now..... (I am always wanting to add more especially since I have my salon in my basement = feathers right downstairs :) BUT I have to refrain from doing that all the time because I know my clients want them too!)
Up close
 One of my clients has the CUTEST little shih tzu named Lilly & she wanted Lilly to have some feathers!! They looked sooooo cute on her!!!
 Up close :) We did a purple one & a pink/black striped one.

Speaking of dogs----we had a MAJOR scare last night.
We think Kobe had a seizure.... :( He was following me down the stairs & I noticed he stopped half way down the stairs so I turned around & when I did I noticed he was bent down funny. I went to him & saw that his back legs were stiff looking and he could not move them. Then he layed down on his side and started shaking. He was not making a sound at all. I was freaking out and picked him up & then he started to growl a little. I ran & took him to Josh and we were really scared & didn't know what to do. After what seemed like forever (it was only a couple of minutes) he could move is legs again and he ran under our dresser. We got him out and then he acted fine. He is acting fine now but I am still very worried so I am about to take him to the vet. I don't know what could have caused it....we did go out on the boat yesterday for a couple of hours but we stayed on floats in the water (Kobe was on the floats with us) most of the time so that really cooled us off. But he did drink quite a bit of the river water and that is something he normally does not do when we go out on the boat. So that is the only thing different that happened yesterday.....I hope everything is ok. I do not know what I would do if anything ever happened to him. He is our BABY.

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