
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Josh!!!!!

Yesterday was Josh's 26th birthday!!!

I told him we could do whatever he wanted to do for his birthday so we went to the farm in Kentucky to go hunting. We went last year too...but this summer they worked on building a little cabin to stay in. It is not completely done yet but it was nice to have somewhere to sleep. We could not get the heater to work it was SOOOOO cold! But we had a great time.

We got out there Saturday evening and set up a fire. Josh made us these little meals that you cook on the coals and they were really good. You just get some foil and put in hamburger meat, chopped onions & red potatoes, worcestershire sauce, and seasonings. It was ready in about 30-40 minutes and was YUMMY! We also had smores :) We got up super early (before the sun came up!) and went out to his box stand that he built this summer and watched the sun rise. It was sooo pretty and relaxing. We stayed out there for several hours hoping to see some deer.... but we didn't. Oh well, maybe next time... Josh worked on his hunting area for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon so I took some pictures of the beautiful Fall leaves!!!! It was so pretty :)

 We were going to stay through today but Josh had the opportunity to come back and work and extra job so we came home yesterday afternoon. Josh's parents & Sarah brought over some chili and a Baskin Robbin's ice cream cake for Josh and we had a good time :)

Happy birthday Josh!!!!
We all love you so much!!

1 comment:

  1. wait! I just saw read through to this post..
    are you or your husband from kentucky??

    Both my husband and I are from KY. We actually met at UK!

