
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday :)

So it has been a while since I have done this but there are SOOOO many things I am loving right now that I just can't pass it up!

First of all, I am LoViNg that Josh is now an EMT!!! I am so proud of him! He has been working so hard since the beginning of January working full time (some weeks more than full time), going to EMT school 16 hours a week (Monday thru Thursday 6pm-10pm), clinicals on the weekend, studying, volunteering at the fire department....and never complaining at all. He got done with school a couple of weeks ago and made a B in the class. Then he took the National Registry test Monday and PASSED! Such a relief! Now he can start applying for EMT jobs but he really wants to be a firefighter and this will open up so many more doors being an EMT. I know God has a plan for him and his career and I know it was God who helped us get through this semester of school! I made him his favorite lemon cake with lemon glaze :) The writing didn't turn out too good but oh well!

Another thing I am LoViNg is that we finally got our patio poured this past weekend! This has been in the works for a looooong time. When we 1st bought our house the back yard sloped down a little. Well, last year we brought in like 10 loads of fill dirt to make it flat. We have had the money saved up for a while but with Josh being in school he has not had any time at all to build the forms until a couple of weeks ago. This is what our back yard has looked like for the past year...WARNING: you are about to see a complete mess:
 Here it is after we pored the concrete:

It is HUUUGE and we love it!!! Our backyard still has a lot of work. We plan on bringing in more dirt to make it more level, building a fire pit, and doing LOTS of landscaping and privacy trees. But atleast we have our patio now instead of walking through dirt :)

Another thing I am LoViNg...I am finally done with this tshirt quilt I made for a friend!!!
These are all of her old college/sorority tshirts! It turned out SUPER cute! But goodness, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into making this quilt. I have made a couple of other quilts/blankets for my nieces but this one was a lot harder. Not only was it a whole lot bigger but the tshirt material is stretchy so it is hard to work with. I backed each square with interfacing so it will not stretch over time and she can wash it over and over and it will not lose its shape. Now that it is all done and turned out so good I would make another one....but next time I would charge a whole lot more!!!

I am also LoViNg this book!
I canNOT wait to get done with the book so I can see the movie :)

I am LoViNg these scriptures I have read in the past week.

And I am LoViNg my sweeeeet baby boy 
and my sweet husband :)

1 comment:

  1. Stopping in from the link up!

    AND SO GLAD I DID. Love your blog and this post was so sweet!!!!!!

    You seem like such a sweetheart! New follower!
