
Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July

We had a really fun 4th of July this year! We went to the Pegram parade that morning. It was a lot of fun. I loved sitting there (even though I was about to have a heat stroke!) watching everyone go by. There is something about a small town I just love. Carrie Underwood has a song on her new CD that I just loved called hometown. Here is the chorus:

Thank God for hometowns,
first kisses and touchdowns.
Thank God for the county lines that welcome you back in
when you were dying to get out.
Thank God for church pews
and all the faces that won't forget you.
And when you're lost in this crazy world,
you've got somewhere to go and get found.
Thank God for hometowns.

That afternoon we went to my parents to grill out! We had fun and a TON of good food, as usual :) My mom always has the prettiest flowers!

That night we went to Nashville to watch the fireworks with Sarah & Blake. I had never been all the way downtown Nashville on the 4th before but we decided to go all the way down to Riverfront Park. It was SO hot and SOOO packed but it was so worth it. The fireworks were absolutely amazing!!!!!

I thought the fireworks at Disney were the best..but I am pretty sure Nashville beat them this year! Happy late 4th of July! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Life Lately

WOW! I cannot believe it has been so long since I have updated on here. Things have been so crazy busy. We are really enjoying our summer so far. It will get even better because a week from tomorrow we will be going to Florida with our families! It cannot get here soon enough. It has been soooo hot & dry here the past several days. I think last Friday was the hottest day ever recorded in Nashville. Crazy! Here is our life lately in picures :) I'm going to warn you, there is a lot!

Josh's cousin, Anna, graduated high school back in May! Woo Hoo! She is planning on going to college at Murray State.
 My bell peppers were doing really good until just last week. I think it may be this crazy heat but we had 16 growing and now they all have big brown spots on them :( The tomatoes, banana peppers, and cucumbers are doing great though.

 We went out on Adam & Tiffani's pontoon boat over Memorial Day weekend. This girls just loved it!!!
 Not sure why I look weirdly dark in this pic...oh well, Ava looks precious :)

 Josh & I went to the flea market in Nashville last month. We didn't get anything but saw some really cool stuff!

 This is how much my garden grew in 1 month! It is even bigger now.
 One day we took the pontoon out with Brett & Crystal and we had a lot of fun. We took the grill and grilled some burgers. We stayed out late and did a little catfishing....... there were a lot of bugs.

 Hahaha! Kobe loves going out on the boat too! I love his little life jacket :)

 Oh my goodness! This is my new favorite bronzer. It is such a pretty color and smells just like chocolate!

 Kobe loves going to the bank because he always gets treats :)
 I moved this chalkboard frame I made down to the salon and put one of my favorite scriptures on it. I really like it down there.
 One of my new bathing suits from Victoria's Secret! I LOVE IT! This is the perfect top. It is the madi bandeau. I have another one in the mail that is coral with plaid bottoms on the way to my house now :)
 Me & my parents at Chuy's. Love them and that place!
 A friend of mine posted this on FB and I had to steal it!!!!! I died laughing when I saw it. This is so true....because us hairstylists are magicians, you know :)
 Me & my wonderful dad on father's day. He is the best dad. I love him SO much and am so thankful God blessed me with such a wonderful dad :)
 I just had to get him his favorite hairspray! Ha! Because it gives him big, sexy hair! Ha.
 I made this layered salad that I found on Pioneer Woman's website and OH. MY. WORD. So good!
 Sweet Addy :)

 We still love our patio!! We are hoping we will catch some end of summer deals for some patio furniture. We have our eyes set on this big pavilion at Lowe's that has the cutest chandelier in it :) I called today and they said it will be on sale next week!
 My friend, Lindsey, is having a baby boy in September! We all went to her baby shower last weekend. She got a lot of cute stuff and it was so good seeing all of my favorite girls!
 Trish is pregnant with a baby girl and she is due in October! We are planning her a shower for the end of August and I can't wait. I also can't wait to meet those sweet little faces :)
 Me & my bfffffff!
 Saturday night they did fireworks in Ashland City for Summerfest. It was really pretty and right over the water.
 Kobe is so so sweet :) He is such a cuddly little thing!
 Yesterday we went to Josh's parents for a little while to get in their pool. Kobe loved getting in there too to cool off :)
 My neighbor's dad has tons of blackberry bushes and they gave me 15 cups of blackberries! They are so good and sweet. I froze most of them but had to make us a cobbler. It was another Pioneer Woman recipe and it did not disappoint!
I trimmed Addy's hair for the first time last week (just her bangs) then put her hair in pigtails! She did not know what to think and would not stop staring at herself in the mirror! I love her so much :) Can't believe she will be TWO next month!