
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This & That

Things sure have been busy around here!!! I will try to pick up where I left off..

~We went to Florida in was a very different trip. We went to PCB with Josh's family for about 4 days. Then, we stayed with my parents and brother for a few days in Destin. We were supposed to stay for a whole week but my poor dad hurt his back and we ended up flying home early. We found out after we got back that he has severe arthritis in his back and spinal stenosis :( Thankfully he is feeling much better now though! Here are a few cell phone pics. (I am sad I didn't get any good pics with my good camera)

~Addy celebrated her 2nd birthday on August 15th!!! We got her some pink Toms :)

~We got a new car!! I loooove it!

~My good friend, Trish, is having a baby girl & is due the end of October! We threw her a baby shower and it was so much fun & turned out so cute! I will post more pics in a separate post :)

~On September 6th, we celebrated our 4 YEAR anniversary!! Wow! I fall more in love with him every day :) I am so blessed. And to top it off, he completely surprised me with diamond earrings! They are so beautiful.

~Soooo my 10 YEAR high school reunion was a couple of weekends ago. I wasn't going to go at first, but I am so glad that I did. I saw so many people I have not seen in so long. We had a good time! Josh & I stayed at The Maxwell House that night to celebrate our anniversary and had a great relaxing weekend!

~We have been working on our backyard for the past 2 years and I can officially say it is pretty much done! We absolutely love it. That is for a different post also.

~There are several exciting things happening in the next few weeks so I am going to try and keep things updated on here. Here are a few more pics that I love :)