
Thursday, October 11, 2012


The first week we had Jake, I wondered what in the world we had done. But we are both adjusting now, thank goodness :) I love this little thing so much!

 How do you resist this sweet face? And those eyes?!!!
 After his 1st bath :)

 Kobe is starting to get used to him. He hated him at first and was so sad and jealous! It made me so sad :( But he is getting much better now. He still is not crazy about it but thankfully it is getting better.

 Sleeping with his tongue stuck out! He is a very loud sleeper & snores a lot!

 I love my babies SO much!!! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Big News!

Ever since Josh was in high school, he has wanted to be a firefighter. He went to college on a baseball scholarship and got his bachelors in criminal justice. Since he graduated from college 3 years ago, he has been trying to get on the fire department. He has been volunteering and earlier this year he went to EMT school. He has tested & applied for different fire departments for the past 3 years but it is just so hard to get on. WELL, guess who just hired as a firefighter for Hendersonville Fire Department?!!!! This is definitely an answer to prayer for sure!! He starts Friday! I am SO proud of him and so excited about his new career! Thank you to everyone who has been praying these last few years :)

Something else very exciting! We have a new family member! Meet Jake :)

He is a boxer puppy and is so sweet!! He was 6 weeks old in the picture but he is now 8 weeks old and already getting bigger. He is a handful but we love him so much!