
Sunday, July 20, 2014

it's a ......

Words just cannot say how excited we are to be having a sweet baby boy!!!! AHHHH :) I really had no intuition or feelings on whether it was a boy or girl.. but Josh has said all along that he thought it was a boy and he was right! I hope he is just like his daddy!

So it has been a while since I updated....where do I even begin?? We had our hard wood floors refinished (We looove them and I hope to have pics soon :)) and that has taken up a lot of my time. We had to completely move everything out of our house since we have hard woods throughout..and then move everything back in. But it really was worth it now that it is all over with. We have wanted to do it ever since we bought our house 5 years ago and knew that if we didn't do it before baby gets here- then it wasn't going to happen!

Last week was a pretty eventful week! Some great, some not so great. It all began last weekend when I was meeting some girlfriends at a restaurant in Nashville. The floors were very shiny and very slick and I knew as soon as I stepped on them that it was not going to be good! I slipped and  fell pretty hard on the concrete..most embarrassing moment EVER! I was wearing a dress and I know for a fact I flashed about ten tables. There is just no graceful way of getting up while you are pregnant with a dress on! I was soo sore and spent the next 2 days laying around. It felt  like I had pulled every muscle in my body. I did not fall on my stomach and I felt the baby moving but I called the doctor anyway just to let them know because I was having a little cramping. We already had our 20 week ultrasound and dr appt scheduled for last Friday but they suggested I go in on Monday to get an ultrasound just to make sure everything was okay. So we did and thankfully everything was good!! That is when we found out it was a BOY! Best moment EVER! I cried (tears of joy!) and Josh was over the moon excited! He was sucking his thumb and moving all over the place! Soo precious and just so amazing! Our last ultrasound was 10 weeks earlier and it is just crazy how much he had grown since then! We went back Friday for the 20 week scan so we got to see our sweet baby twice in one week! This scan was sooo amazing! They told us that he is already 11 ounces and that he is growing just perfect! What every mama wants to hear! Here are a few more pics :) I could just stare at them all day long!

I had been sooo anxious about the 20 week scan for weeks and weeks. I just wanted to know that everything was okay and that he was growing the way he should be. I have read online about how IVF can cause all of these deformities & problems with the baby...We even talked to our IVF dr about it during our consult back in January and he assured us that there were no known links between the two. But it was still in the back of my mind. About  3 weeks ago, I had a breakdown because I was just so nervous about it. My mom was over one day and she prayed with me and reminded me of something that really made me feel better. She said that it was GOD who was forming my baby- not the IVF. 

"For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand- when I awake, I am still with you."
Psalm 139:13-18

So the past few weeks I had been feeling better....and then after we had our ultrasound on Monday I was looking at the pictures and I noticed this one picture and it looked like he did not have feet!! OMGoodness! So all week until we had our next ultrasound I was such a nervous wreck! But I am proud to say that he DOES have feet :) 2 of them with 10 toes each :) I made the ultrasound tech show me just so I would know for sure!

How I've been feeling... I was feeling GREAT! My back had started to hurt some so I started going to the chiropractor and that has worked wonders. But then I fell.....I was sore most of last week and my back had started hurting again. So back to the chiropractor again this week for me. Besides that I am feeling pretty good! I crave breakfast food big time and we eat ice cream cones every night :) I say "we" because Josh is enjoying all of my cravings as well! haha.

I feel like between the weeks 17-19 my stomach grew like crazy! Here are a couple of belly pics :)

I do feel like time is F L Y I N G by! I am now 20 weeks, 4 days! How can we already be halfway there?! Don't get me wrong- I am SO excited to meet our little man and cannot wait to hold him more than anything. But I am so enjoying this time being pregnant! I have wanted to be pregnant for years & years and I am really loving it! And I just looooove feeling him move around in my belly :) The past week the movements have gotten stronger and A LOT more frequent. And just within the last few days, you can even occasionally see a little thump on my belly! Crazy! Josh has seen it a couple of times too :) The ultrasound tech said the reason why I felt him move so early is because the placenta is actually behind him...instead of in front & between him and my belly. So basically I feel everything because he is right by my belly! I love it!

Next up on my calendar: Project Nursery!!! I have been getting tons of ideas on pinterest and cannot wait to decorate! Also, we need to decide on a name!! 

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