
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Catching up....

Things have been so crazy since I last wrote on here. We are still staying with our parents and splitting up the time. I love being here with everyone but I am soo ready to be back at our little cozy apartment & back to normal life!

I have been so exhausted for the last week because we finally got our puppy, Kobe Conatser!! He is the sweetest & cutest puppy EVER! I got him last Monday and this past week has been hard but well worth it. Since he is so small and so young, he requires extra TLC :) I mean, his little teeth are just now starting to come through! The first night he cried A L L night long. I figured he was just missing his mommy ... But when I took him to the vet on Tuesday, I realized that since he is so small he needs to be fed formula every 2 hours with a bottle, even during the middle of the night! I felt so bad because he was really crying because he was hungry. But now I know.. and now I set my alarm so I can feed him every 2 hours. It is like having a real baby! So I would recommend anyone thinking they want a baby, get a baby puppy 1st and see if you can handle it! Ha! But really, I love him more than anything and it is so worth it :) Josh is in love with him too. They are taking a nap together right now and it is soo sweet! Poor Bentley is so jealous though and I feel bad. I know he feels so left out because everyone is giving Kobe all the attention. It is funny to watch Kobe try to play with Bentley! Bentley doesn't want to have anything to do with Kobe though. I know once he gets used to him, they will be the best of friends :)

This past Christmas week has been a great week! Tuesday night we had dinner at Josh's Grannys house, and Christmas Eve night we had dinner at his aunt and uncle's house. It was alot of fun! We drove back to our apartment in Pulaski Christmas Eve night, that way we could wake up and have our 1st Christmas together at our apartment :) When we got there, we saw our poor Christmas tree that has not been watered in like 3 was pretty sad and ugly! Ha! But it didn't matter...we had a great 1st Christmas! Josh got me Kobe (of course) and a new CD player for my car that will play my IPOD! I am very excited about that! I am getting it installed one day this next week. He also filled up my stocking! I filled up his stocking and got him some beard trimmers and a gift card to Bass Pro, his favorite store ever.

After we opened our presents and watched TV for a little while, we went back to his parents house because his mom always makes a big breakfast and it was so good.

That afternoon we went to my parents house and opened presents and ate dinner. My parents suprised me with an embroidery machine! I am soo excited! I cannot wait to figure out how to use it :) That night, we went and saw the movie, Valkyrie. It was really good.

On Friday, we drove to Huntsville to meet up with my uncle, aunt and cousin. We ate at Ruby Tuesday and went shopping at the mall. Itook Kobe with me and he slept in my purse the whole time we were shopping! It was the cutest thing ever :)

Yesterday we went out to eat with my other uncle and aunt and my granny. They drove here from Memphis. We ate at Kabuto, one of my favorites!

So we have been celebrating Christmas all week long and it has been so much fun! It was so great to be able to see all our family. Today has been a lazy day though. All this running around will wear you out!

I will be posting pictures soon. I left my camera cord in Pulaksi that lets me download my pictures to my computer. So check back bc I have taken lots!

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