
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where did 2008 go?!!

Happy New Year everyone! 2008 has definitely been the fastest year in history. Planning and preparing for the wedding made it fly by, also being married and having fun has made it go by fast. Now it is 2009! I just can't believe it. I am going to be 25 years old this year and that is kinda weird. I don't feel old at all...But that is like MID 20's. I mean, my 10 year high school reunion is only a few years away!

Last night we had fun. First, we went over to some people's house in our church. There was a lot of people there and a lot of food :) Then we went over to Josh's brother and his wife's house and that was fun. We played dominoes until like 2 or so. We watched the ball drop in Times Square and Josh came over and gave me a sweet New Years kiss :) I just love him!

Just like every year, I have made some "New Year Resolutions". I am going to try my hardest to keep them all this year. First, I want to be sure to take time everyday to read my bible & try to do everything I can to please God. I have also decided that I am going to get back into shape and stay that way all year! Normally, I will work out like crazy to get into shape...then I just stop. That is where I am now. I have been so out of it the last couple of months. I also want to just slow down!!! I am a big procrastinator so I am always, at the last minute, trying to hurry to get something done....or hurrying to get somewhere. Another thing is my messy, messy car. I know it is hard living out of your car..It is pretty much impossible to keep it looking good. But I am going to try my best to do just that! I even cleaned it out yesterday and washed it & I am pretty proud of myself :)

Kobe is doing so good! His little teeth are finally coming in and they are razor sharp! He is a feisty little thing and I just love him to death. Josh's mom got me the cutest little carrier and he just loves that thing. It's like his little home. He is also going longer between meals. Which means that instead of feeding him every 2 hours, I only have to feed him like every 4! So I am feeling much rested...or maybe I am just getting used to it, who knows. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow to get his 2nd round of shots and I know he is not going to be happy at all..Poor thing.

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