
Monday, December 1, 2008

Our 1st Christmas tree!

Last year after Christmas, I stocked up on Christmas decorations that we would need this year. Everything was on sale 75% off so I went a little crazy :) Ha! I bought everything we needed except for a tree because Josh wanted a real tree. So Saturday morning we got up, ate a big breakfast & headed to Home Depot to buy a saw and some rope. I'm sure you can guess where I am going.....Yes, we walked around the woods until we found our first Christmas tree!! Josh cut it down and we drug it to the car. Then we TIED the tree to the top of the car! It was sooo funny! Everyone we drove by stopped to look!

We finally made it back to our apartment and put the tree up. We noticed it was leaning pretty bad to the left so Josh nailed a nail in the wall and tied the tree to the nail to hold it up! Hahaha! It was so much fun putting all the pretty ornaments and lights on :) I am hoping our little tree will make it to see Christmas day but it is already drooping quite a bit & it has only been 2 days. Oh well, to me it is PERFECT and I wouldn't want it any other way. Just think of the stories we will have to tell 20 years from now!

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