
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Today has been a good day. This morning we got up and went to church. We have been going to a Church of God on the Sundays that we are here in Pulaski. We really like it and the pastor is really nice, but there is no place like home! I miss being able to go to Gateway anytime I want. Another thing I have realized is that our church has been very spoiled with our worship music! The Church of God's music is pretty good, I guess, but nothing like Valerie and John and all the others!

After church we came back to the apartment and started to clean up a little bit because my parents came by and saw our apartment for the first time! Actually, my mom helped me get everything set up before the wedding but she has not seen it since then and my dad has never been. It was so good to have them come by! They were on their way to my aunt and uncle's house in Alabama because they are all going on a cruise tomorrow (lucky them!) so they stopped by on the way. Anyway, we went out to eat at this little Mexican restaurant here. They have a buffet on Sundays and it is really good :) Then we went to the square and watched the Christmas parade. It was fun but a little chilly! Afterwards, we came back to our apartment and hung out for a little while. It was nice to have some company since we never do! Josh has only had a couple of friends over.... besides that the only person that has been in our apartment besides us is the maintenence guy! Ha!

OH!!!! I almost forgot to mention the most exciting thing going on in my life right now!! We are getting a puppy!!! I have been looking for weeks for the perfect little puppy and finally found one last night! He is a shorkie. His mom is a yorkie and his dad is half yorkie, half shih tzu. Right now he is only a couple of weeks old so we can not get him until Christmas Eve. He should only be like 5 lbs. full grown! I have been trying to figure out what I want to name him but I just can't decide.... The lady told me that when we figure it out, let her know bc she is going to give us his birth certificate with his name and paw print on it.. How SWEET is that?! I just can not wait :)

Here he is!! His owner said she is going to be sending me updated pictures of him every week until we get him, which is only a couple of weeks away! YAY!

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