
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

blog hop!

Today is the day for another blog hop! The theme is-

3 things you did not know about us!

(well, some of you reading may know these things....but here we go!)

1- We went to Disney World on our honeymoon & had sooo much fun!! We turned into little kids again :) We also went to the beach for 5 days but spent 3 days at Disney. September was the PERFECT time to go because it was not too crowded. There were still tons of people there but we didn't have to wait long to ride the rides at all! We were so exhausted because we went to all 4 parks in 3 days. The first day we only had half a day & we were at Epcott. It was probably my favorite & I wish we could have spent more time there! It was soo cool to see all the different countries. We ate at an itailan restaurant in Italy and it was so good! They also had fireworks at night over the water and it was just perfect :)

The 2nd day we went to Animal Kingdom & Hollywood Studios (aka MGM). We loved Animal Kingdom but wasn't too crazy about Hollywood Studios. We went on a safari in Animal Kingdom and that was so much fun! Also, they have the ride Mount Everest...scared me half to death but absoltely loved it!!

The last day we spent at Magic Kingdom & it was also my favorite!!!!! Ahhhhh, the castle was so beautiful and the fireworks at night were amazing :) We want to go back to Disney one day when we can have like a whole week!

2- Josh and I LOVE to watch anything funny that will make us laugh. We love funny movies & America's Funniest Home Videos. We also love to get on You Tube and search for funny videos! This is very addicting and we have been known to do this for hours! Here are some of our favorites :)

3- Lasty, and the most important & most exciting........ we are going to make an offer on a house!! Like this week!! I have been praying & praying about it and I have just put it all in His hands. If this is the house that we are supposed to be in..then it will all work out! If it all goes through then I will give more details. But I will tell you that it is in Ashland City & I am soooo excited about it. I am trying not to get my hopes up but they kinda already are :) My mind has been spinning around thinking of new decorating ideas. I love to decorate and I am thinking of doing things completely different in our next house. So I have been looking at other blogs getting ideas. Here are some that have inspired me already!

There's No Place Like Home
Gracious Southern Living
Southern Hospitality

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. good luck with your home offer hope its excepted and you get your new home how exciting.

    LUV LUV LUV your pictures of Disney I so wish to take my children so much I entered a giveaway and had to poor my heart out of one secret I'd been holding onto for a yr.
    c my blog

  2. Praying that the offer goes through on the house. Happy hopping.

    Many Blessings,

  3. Love your blog header and
    I am a Disney ADDICT....Just blog hopping and enjoyed reading your blog. I love reading about new blog friends....
