
Monday, July 20, 2009

not me!!

This past weekend was a good one! Friday was pretty uneventful. I made country fried chicken, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, and home grown green beans :) It was all really good but after eating all of that PLUS cheesecake for dessert, we were pretty much useless. We went to bed early since Josh was waking up at 4 AM (!!!!) to go to Kentucky with all the guys in the family. They were busy all day getting the farm ready for the Fall so they can go hunting out there. I was waking up early also on Saturday so that Shelby and I could go yardsaleing and it was so much fun! My favorite purchase was this- some old hard back books that I stacked inside this antique piece my mom gave me, which is my most favorite piece of furniture in my whole house!!

We also made an offer on the house that we really want to buy on Saturday. They came back yesterday with an offer that was not much lower than their asking price .... SO we are going to make another offer today. I really hope that it works out but I do know that if it doesn't then it just wasn't what He has for us. But I would really like it if it was! Would it be bad to beg God?! Ha.

My parents & Michael left yesterday for Destin, Florida & I am jealous that I am not there with them. BUT Josh and I are leaving Wednesday and staying til Sunday. I need the beach so bad right now. Two more days.

Josh stayed overnight in Kentucky on Saturday night so they could work on the farm on Sunday also. This was my 3rd time ever staying home alone. The 1st time I did pretty good. The 2nd time was horrible. I kept on waking up throughout the night hearing things. I know I was not imagining it because Kobe was hearing them also.

But since I am not a chicken at all, I was not scared to stay home alone this past weekend. I did not sleep with all the lights on in our whole house. I did not put a chair in front of every locked door, just in case. You know- like this.

I did not take half of an ambien to help me sleep and I did not sleep right beside my cell phone & a big, sharp knife. Because that would all just be silly.
But I did sleep right beside this sweet thing that kept me company all night :)

ps. please excuse the wonderful cell phone pics. My camera was in the kitchen and since I was not trapped inside the bedroom because of the chair, I couldn't get it :)


  1. LOL!! Sounds like me when john went out of town for a night. It was out first night a part and I stayed up all night watching QVC. I'll keep the "no chair infront of the door" idea for the next time!

  2. the books look so cute, I put mine upstairs on an end table next to a rocking chair. They are so neat. I am glad that your night went good, and hopefully they will accept your offer. Have fun in Florida!

  3. You are too funny!!!

