
Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't worry!

We are still alive!! Just very, very busy. We closed on our house Friday and looove it :-) Ever since then we have been little busy bees around our new house. We have been painting and ALL kinds of stuff! You will find out very soon! I will be posting before and after pics soon, you will not believe it! We hope to have everything ready for us to move in by this Saturday. Our 1 year anniversary is Sunday so it is pretty perfect timing if you ask me! What is funny- this week last year I was busy busy busy planning a wedding.... this week this year I am busy busy busy moving into our brand new home! God is SO good!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today is going to be a great day :-) It already has been. I woke up this morning and ate some breakfast, read the Ashland City Times, got on the internet for a while, and then decided to head over to the Bicentennial Trail to ride my bike. The tire on my bike has been flat and I have been so busy lately that I have not been able to ride it for the last several weeks. But my wonderful hubby fixed the tire so Yay! Anyway, on my way to the trails, I decided to drive by our future new home (which we are closing on next Friday!) and guess what I saw in the front yard?
WOWWWW! That was exciting :-) I was on the phone with my mom and I just starting freaking out. Next Friday could not get here any sooner!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I am sure you have probably heard of the band, Seventh Day Slumber. If not, you are missing out! They are a christian rock band and they will be doing a concert at our church tomorrow night!!! It is free and will be really good!!


Gateway Assembly of God

Ashland City, TN 37015

Monday August 17th, 2009

6:30 pm

Did I mention that it is FREE?!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

NYC, Baby!!

Kelly, over at Kelly's Korner, is hosting another "Show us your life Friday" and today is Your Favorite Vacation Spot! Destin, Florida is by far my favorite vacation spot for the beach & relaxation....but we just got back from there and I have already talked all about Destin (you can read about it here ) ..... I will show you my 2nd favorite vacation spot! That is New York City!!

My family and I went to NYC three summers ago and stayed for 6 days. It was not long enough!! My dream is to go back at Christmas time :-) with Josh- he has never been! I bet it would be just beautiful at Christmas. Anyway, while we were there we did all the touristy things:

-saw the statue of liberty...pretty cool! We took a ferry over to Liberty Island. I pictured her to be really HUGE but when we got there, she was not as big as I thought she would be.

-went on top of the Empire State Building. Someone suggested that we go at night time so we did. It was beautiful!!! To see that big of a city at night with that many lights- wow!
-saw Ground Zero. This was so sad. I remember that morning watching it all unfold on TV. To be there in person was heartbreaking.

-Times Square :-) If you looked out our back window in our hotel, you would be facing Times Square. It was awesome and just how you see it on TV. I have never seen so many people!

-we went to Central Park. I must admit, I was really missin seeing some grass & trees & flowers so I was really happy to go here :-)

- my mom & I went to a Broadway show!! We saw Hairspray and OMW it was sooo good!!

-purses, purses, and more purses! I got a little carried away with the purse thing. I bought NINE of them. I had to stuff them in everyone's suitcases just to get them home!

-we won tickets to the David Letterman Show!! That was fun. Too bad Justin Timberlake or someone like that wasn't on there. We saw Michael Douglas though.

-the naked cowboy! Apparently he is a celebrity up there....This guy is so funny but kinda gross. I kept wondering - does he have a bunch of underwear that says Naked Cowboy on the back or does he wear the same ones over & over. FYI it was not my idea to touch his butt. He told me to...not that I would do anything a stranger would tell me to but everyone was doing it so whatever!

-this picture is pretty much HILARIOUS! We were wondering why everyone was looking at us so weird.....Well, we had these things on wrong!!!
Here is the correct way to wear it! Ha! Who knew???? Guess that is what happens when you get Cheatham Countians in the city!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

just a little something.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

This makes me happy :-)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


So I never knew what all went into buying a house until now. It is a lot. But I know it will SO be worth it. We are supposed to close on the 28th of this month if all goes as planned! I am soo excited! There will be LOTS of changes coming our way and I will be updating soon :-) Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

show us your life Friday-wedding reception & honeymoon

I am probably a little bias :-) but I think our wedding reception was awesome. Right after the ceremony, we took some pictures. (FYI- we got married at Riverwood Mansion, an antebellum style house in Nashville. The ceremony took place outside in the garden and our reception was held under a pavilion behind the mansion.)

While we were taking pictures, our guests starting eating & the food was so good! We had different stations set up throughout the whole mansion- we had a carving station with roast beef, loaded smashed potatoes, and rolls...... a pasta station where you could choose what kind of pasta and toppings that you want, and then there were cooks who sauteed it all right in front of you!!...... a salad station....... a dip station with spinach dip & rotel dip & tortilla chips...... and a HUGE hit was the chocolate fountain with all types of fruit for dipping!!!
After we finished all of our pictures (and while our guests were still eating) we had our very own private dinner upstairs!! This was something that I absolutely loved! We were only upstairs for about 15 minutes but it was just enough time to eat and relax and breathe for a few minutes. It was perfect!!

When we came down, all the guests were done eating and we cut the cake. Our cakes were fabulous!!! One layer on my cake was vanilla with white chocolate buttercream icing..... the next layer was strawberry with white chocolate buttercream icing and real strawberry filling :-).... and so on. It was so gorgeous that I didn't even want to cut it!
Josh's cake was the coolest cake I have ever seen!! It was a Jack Daniels's chocolate chocolate chip cake!! Yes, I said chocolate twice! Doesn't get any better!! And we all know how he is a huge UT fan and the football looks SO real. Behind the cake is a poem about Tennessee football that he wrote when he was a little boy :-)

Our toasting glasses had our monogram engraved on them with our wedding date :)
After we cut the cake, Josh's brother, Adam, and my bfff, Annie did the toast. Then we did all of the special dances :-) Josh and I danced to "Once in a Lifetime Love" by Alan Jackson. My dad and I danced to "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman & Josh and his mom danced to a really sweet song...this is SO bad but I cannot remember the name of that song to save my life!
After the special dances, we were able to go around a talk to everyone!! I wish we had more time to visit with our friends & family- especially the ones who came from out of town. But our DJ was awesome!! Everyone danced.........and danced...........and danced.............and danced!!!! I loved it!

It was SO MUCH FUN! The whole day was everything I have ever dreamed of :)

We honeymooned in Treasure Island, FL. We staying in a condo right on the beach and it was just what we needed. It was so relaxing and just perfect! Then we spent 3 days at Disney World and TALK ABOUT FUNNN! We loved loved loved it! To hear more about our Disney trip and to see pics click here!

& to hear all about everyone else's wedding receptions & honeymoons, head on over to Kelly's Korner!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

cheese & bacon stuffed burgers

You know how we sometimes make the same thing for dinner over and over again just because it is easy? I am guilty of this and it drives me crazy! So last night, instead of making normal burgers, I decided to do things a little different. Josh loved them & I am sure your man (and yourself!) will too!

I took 1 lb. of ground chuck and added a little ranch dressing, worcestershire sauce, and garlic salt. Sorry, I don't measure some things!

While I was mixing this all together, I had some bacon cooking :-) I patted out 1/2 of the hamburger (the bottom part). Then, I put some cheese and the cooked bacon, that I tore into small pieces, on top of the meat. I then patted out the top part of the burger and put it on top of the cheese & bacon. Now all you do is close of the sides and put them on the grill (I used our George Foreman)! So easy and very good! I also sauteed some onions and mushrooms and put that on the burger as well.

I was going to take a picture to show you how amazing they looked but my camera was in the car and it was storming so bad outside. Also, I am sure the hubby would for sure think I was crazy if I was taking pictures of our dinner. But what can I say? I was proud of them!