
Friday, May 28, 2010

a new look :)

Our house was built in 1970 but luckily the previous owners had just replaced all of the doors and windows before we bought it. Our front door is a nice door and it has a nice glass door in front.... But I was not crazy about the color of the door and the gold hardware on the glass door. So what does that mean?? Paint it!! Here is the before (it wasn't bad.. just not what I wanted): Here is the now:

I painted it red!! I also spray painted the hardware on the glass door with Rustoleum's oil rubbed bronze. It has started to chip a tad so I am trying to figure out what to do about that...any suggestions? Our porch looks a lot better since the hubby pressure washed it and I am in LOVE with our light fixture :) Here is an up close of my flowers!
I love having a little flag in my flower pots. Not only because of Memorial Day and 4th of July coming up but it just makes me think SUMMER TIME!! :)

There are still LOTS we want to do to our house outside. Things on my list for this summer:

lay a new sidewalk
make flower boxes for my front windows
plant LOTS of flowers

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend! Stay safe :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Decoupaged Letters

I have seen this done a million times in the blog world and have always wanted to give it a try. I thought it would be PERFECT for Annie's baby shower that I threw for her a few weeks ago. They were so easy and looked so cute! I bought these cardboard letters at Hobby Lobby (my fav store!!)..I think I paid about $15 for them.
I spray painted them with Rustoleum's Heirloom White. (the clothes pins were for another project I did for her shower)
I found some really cute scrapbook paper on sale (also Hobby Lobby) that matches this cute chandelier that she re-did :) This is her mom helping her sort through and organize baby clothes!
I traced the letters on the scrapbook paper and cut it out. Make sure when you trace the letters that the right side of the scrapbook paper will show...I messed up on that E and had to re-do it :)
***please excuse messy "work area"***
Then I glued the paper to the letters with good ol Mod Podge..
More Mod Podge on top to seal it and give it a finished look..
VERY easy and SO cute!
They made a cute decoration for the shower & also a great gift! Annie is going to attach ribbon to them and hang them in her nursery :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maternity Pics

Baby Lacie will be here very soon!! Annie (my best friend) is due on June 8th with her first daughter and I am so excited :) I can't wait to see that little girl!! Last week we got together and I took some maternity pictures for her. She is SO cute! Here are a few of our favorites..
I love them all but especially love this last one. This is the same bed that Annie slept in when she was a baby :) Her mom made the canopy and the bedding. SO precious :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

catch up

Things have been SO crazy the last few weeks here at our house. So please forgive me for not staying updated on here! I will try to do better from here on out. If you read my post a few weeks ago then you know we had horrible flooding here in our small town and surrounding areas. Josh's brother and his wife are still staying with us until they can get the camper set up on their land. It has actually been a pretty good thing because it has forced me to clean and organize some things that have been neglected for some time now :) The only thing that has been tough is that Josh his brother have been working a lot and when they get done working they go work on their they have not been getting home til LATE. So we have not had that much time together at all until yesterday...and it was the most perfect day :) Since our church flooded we have been having church at the Nazarene Church on Sundays at 3 in the afternoon....which is kinda hard because it is right in the middle of the day. So we have been going to 24 Church in Pleasant View. We like it but are SO ready to get back to our own church. I miss seeing everyone. Anyway, after church we went out on the boat and it was a gorgeous day! Josh caught a bunch of fish but I only caught one little one..I gotta work on my fishing skills :)
I know I am a few weeks late on here but I wanted to post some pics from Mothers Day. We had lunch with my parents and my brother after church that day at Outback and it was so good :) Then me and my mom went shopping for a little while. It was a great day! Me and my mom are very close and we have so much fun together no matter what we do! I don't know what I'd do without her! I love you mom!!

We had dinner over at Joshs parents that night but I don't have any pictures.. Sorry! I am off work today and so is my mom so I think we are going to meet up and have lunch :) It is gonna be a great day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

poor baby

We have one sad puppy in our house right now. We got Kobe neutered yesterday and he is just pitiful. He is having to wear one of those lampshade things and he HATES it. At first it was funny to watch him try to walk with it on, but now it is just pitiful. He just looks so depressed and actually cries real tears :( breaks my heart.. I felt so bad for him yesterday that I even took it off for about 30 minutes but he kept messing with his incision so I had to put it back on. Then today I looked at his incision and it was really red and looked painful so I took him back to the vet. They said it is a little infected and gave me antibiotic to give him. I hope he heals soon. It kills me to see my baby in pain.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Flood 2010

This week has been just devastating. If you keep up with the news, then I am sure you have heard about all the flooding in Nashville and surrounding areas. They call it the 500 year flood because you will only see this kind of flooding once every 500 years. Crazy. We live on a hill so luckily our house was fine... but Josh's brother and his wife live about ten minutes from here & their house was completely under water. They were able to get all of their things out of their house and they also have flood insurance so that is good. But Tiffani is 6 months pregnant and now they are pretty much homeless. They are staying with us for now. I told them they could stay as long as they wanted. They are going to have to tear their house down and build all over again. It's just so so sad :( Here is Josh and his brother moving things in their yard. At this point, it was just flooded in the back yard. You can't tell but they have an in ground pool right under this water..About 1 am on Monday morning the water started getting into their house so that is when they started moving everything out. This picture was taken a couple of days later.. This water is very nasty... sewer and snakes...Another terrible thing is that our church was completely flooded :( Every time I see it I just want to cry. This picture was taken the day it started flooding..This picture was taken on day 2. You can see how high it is by looking at the glass door. The water was about 5 feet high. The sad thing is that everything was a complete loss on the inside. Everything. They started clean up yesterday and it is just amazing to see how everyone has come together to help. The church did not have flood insurance... so this is pretty devastating. But GOD has been working in big ways already. A company from Pennsylvania came down to TN to make some money pressure washing and doing clean up. Well, they came to our church wanting to know if we wanted a quote, but our pastor told them our situation about how we could not afford it. (Other companies already quoted around $50,000) After a few minutes they came and told our pastor how they wanted to bless us and do it all for FREE! I cannot believe it! Another amazing thing.. a drywall company is tearing down all of the drywall and replacing it all for FREE! Wow. So even though I am so upset about everything, I know God is already working and taking care of us and he has a plan for our church!!

Here are some more pics from around our small town. Who knows when Wal Mart will reopen....
The park & post office here in Ashland City..

Our sheriffs house that is right next door to our church..
The rest of these pictures were taken across the river in South Cheatham where all of Josh's family lives. Josh's Granny's house also got flooded...Luckily, I think they will be able to fix it without having to tear down and rebuild.

So many people have lost everything and I feel guilty right now sitting here in my perfectly fine house. I am so thankful but feel terrible for everyone. Please keep everyone in your prayers..