
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I Love Wednesday!

 Well, it has been a while since I have done this so I figured I would link up with Jamie today with "What I Love Wednesday"!

I am Loving that I have been feeling extra craft lately :) Actually, I always feel pretty crafty but I feel like I never have to time to do the things that I want. So I am happy that I have been making the time.. I have had this fabric for a WHILE now and I finally got around to making some pillows for the salon. I love them!!! Of course, love the red with the new fav colors together!! My next project is for the wall above the couch.... I've already got everything I need to do it- now I just need to do it. Guess you'll have to check back later for that :)

Close up of the fabric... I fell in love with this pattern when I 1st saw it.
I am Loving that it is yard sale season again! I checked the paper this morning and there are several around here I plan on going to. Also, the big subdivision my parents live in have a big one every year and this year it is May 7th! I have already taken off work and will be there bright and early :)

I am Loving that my kitchen is just.about.done!!! Well, it is all pretty much done..I am just finishing up the painting & finishing touches. Here is just a hint.....there is a lot of white & dark countertops & beadboard & hardwood floors. Ahhhhh :) I love it.

I am Loving this scripture-
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

 I am Loving my sweet Kobe!! He is my baby :)

I am also Loving more than anything this sweet man :) I am so thankful for my wonderful hubby!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

yarn & fabric flower wreath

I have been seeing these really cute yarn & fabric flower wreaths all over the place so I decided to give it a try! It was pretty easy but took some time wrapping the yarn. All of the tutorials I have seen said to use a styrofoam wreath but it was $8 at Michael's and this straw one was only $ that is what I bought but let me tell you how messy it was!!! As I was trying to wrap the yarn, the straw kept falling out everywhere! Josh was watching me wondering what in the world I was doing..... Hahaha!!!

Soooo it takes some time to wrap it all but its very easy.....
 Then you make some cute rosette flowers made from scrap fabric and hot glue those on and this is what you have! .....
 I hung it in the salon and I love the color combo. These are definitely my favorite colors right now! 

Here is a close up of the flowers..... I used some white & zebra fabric I had leftover from a different project.....I knew I wanted some blue also BUT I didn't have any blue  fabric so I found an old blue shirt and just cut it up! The hubby was really thinking I was crazy at this point! Ha.
One more close up of it all.... I cut 3 strips of the blue fabric & braided it all together to hang it. I am really happy with the way it turned out!

The Girl Creative

The DIY Show Off


The Lettered Cottage

The Girl Creative

Friday, March 25, 2011


Well, we sold the boat!!!!!!

I thought my poor husband was going to cry when he just watched someone else pull his boat out of our driveway. It was Josh's decision, though, to sell it. He sold it for exactly the money he has put into it...and that exact amount will pay off all of our debt almost to the penny (besides our house of course)! Wooo hooo! So here in about an hour we will be debt free!

God has definitely blessed us this year so far. We found out a few weeks ago that somehow we OVERpaid on our 2009 taxes and the IRS just figured that last week we got a check from the IRS for $2200!! Crazy. When does the IRS ever owe you money??! I know it was a God thing. It's funny how God provides. His promises are always true :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Ok, we have THE funniest dog! He loves to howl if he hears sirens ... or if he hears other dogs howling ... or if we start howling ... you would really just have to be here to see how hilarious this is! Here is a video of him howling with Oscar the boxer on youtube. I love my little man!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

funny baby!!!

Oh my goodness, this is the funniest thing ever! I just had to share it! This baby is TOO funny and cute :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

1st day of Spring!!!

Today after church we took Kobe for a walk at the Bicentennial Trail. It was SUCH a gorgeous day!!!
We just LOOOOVE this little man to death!!!
 Josh & Kobe checking out the water...looking for fish!

 My 2 favorite boys :)

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring!! and new kitchen sneak peak :)

It officially starts tomorrow and I could not be more excited!!! It has been SO nice & pretty the last couple of days and it will be the next few days as well. Things have already started blooming around here and I have gotten a jump start on Spring.......
There is a pretty bush thing (not sure what it is but would like to know...) in our yard with pink flowers blooming so I just cut a few off and put them in my Ikea pitcher on my NEW kitchen window sill :) :) :) One of my main requests is that I have a window sill big enough for flowers & I finally have it!! Little things make me happy :) 
I am LOVING my new kitchen!!! I will post pics when it is all done.... But as you can see I have finally gotten rid of that ugly brown disgusting sink and replaced it with a big white one with a pretty faucet :) I also have a pretty beadboard backsplash & new countertops!!! It is pretty much done besides the painting. We (as in me and my mom, of course!) have been priming & painting and it looks amazing! Ahhhh:) It just feels like a different house with this brand new kitchen! Even my hubby says so :) Pics coming soon!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bedside Tables- before & after

The DIY Show Off

I have been meaning to post about these cute bedside tables for a while now...actually I am trying to get better about blogging in general. I love it because it is like a journal to me. I love looking back over the years at things we have done :)

My mom gave me these bedside tables a while ago and they were perfect for my bedroom! Except they were not the cutest as you can see..... but we knew they had potential! They have a cute shape to them..

First thing I did was take the drawers out and primed everything with Kilz primer...
 I love the look of painted furniture with the natural wood look up top..... so I sanded down the tops of them which took forever!!! I was wishing I had an electric sander at this point! (wow, I am really surprised & proud of myself for actually taking pics throughout this process!!)
 I stained the tops of them with this Minwax stain in dark walnut. It took about 5 coats of that to get the darker color I wanted....Then I put on a coat of satin polyurethane to protect it....
 This is how they looked in the end!!! I LOVE THEM :) I painted them Seaside Villa by Valspar and I love this color. One of my favorites now! I also distressed them with sandpaper & went over it with a Ralph Lauren glaze in Smoke. I ended up keeping the original hardware and spraypainting them with an oil rubbed bronze color.
 This is how they look in our bedroom....
I am so ready to get my bedroom finished!!! Things left to do:

-spray paint headboard an oil rubbed bronze color to match hardware
-find some cute frames for a frame collage next to windows above bed
-find some cute throw pillows for bed
-save up some $$$ for a big soft brown area rug for under our bed

To see the rest of my bedroom & to see how I did the faux board & batten click here!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sips n Strokes

Me & my some of my favorite girls (we missed you Trish!!) got together for another girls day this past weekend and we had SO much fun!!! We have all been wanting to try out Sips N Strokes and we loved it. I want to go all the time now! Sips N Strokes is a place where you can paint and sip on wine or any beverage you want and is a great girls day. There is an instructor up front painting the same picture and showing you step by step what to you do not have to know how to paint at all to do this. Trust me!!! They supply the paint and canvas and then you get to take your canvas home with you after you are done! We had a blast. I would definitely recommend it to anyone!

 All of our paintings when we got done:)
This is mine up close. I'm gonna put it in my salon somewhere!

Afterwards we ate dinner at Qdoba and had ice cream at Maggie Moo's :) Then we went to Suntan City because they were doing spray tans for $5 that day! Last time I got a spray tan I went with medium but I was feeling brave so this time I did dark and I loved it!! Only problem was I did not do a good job putting that barrier cream on my hands so I ended up with orange-y streaky hands! Oh well! This was by far our favorite girls day yet and we plan on going back to Sips N Strokes soon!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Addy & some news :)

I got to watch my niece tonight for the 1st time while my bro in law & sis in law went to a work dinner. We had so much fun! She is 6 months old now and is getting sooo big---wearing 18 months clothes!! I love her so much! 
We found out some exciting news last week.....looks like we are gonna have another niece or nephew at the end of September!!! Yep, Addy is going to be a big sister!!!! Crazy, huh?!! They will be 13 months apart. I bet it will be hard while they are small but you know they will be soooo close growing up :) We can't wait!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My house at the moment.....

 This is what our living room looks like these days.....

and this is what our kitchen is looking like......
Yep!!! I am finally getting my kitchen :)

Since I took that last picture we (I say "we" but I really mean my hubby and our neighbor!) have laid hardwood floors and built new cabinets! It looks so different and so much bigger. I love it!

In the meantime, I have been washing dishes in the bathroom sink and everything is a disorganized mess. We grilled out 2 nights and today I cooked this yummy santa fe chicken in my crockpot. But I am ready for it to all be done! It will be SO worth it though :)