
Friday, June 3, 2011

Catch up!

 Well, it has been a loooong time! Things have been pretty busy around here.... I have been trying to finish up my kitchen and it is looking so good! It is pretty much done- just trying to finish up the little things which seem to take the most time.

I have also been working SO much lately. I am extremely thankful for the work but it is starting to get a little overwhelming. I still LOVE having my shop at my house :) I have decided to make a very important decision though- I am going to have to stop taking new clients for the time being. God had blessed me abundantly with an amazing clientele & I am very thankful....but there are only so many hours in the day & there is only 1 me :) Also, since most people need to come in the evening after work that makes it hard to fit everyone in- on top of spending time with my sweet to work out..and just relaxing & staying sane!

The past couple of months have been fun. We celebrated my 27th birthday....Wow. That seems so old but I know it is really not! Josh took me out to eat at Carrabba's and then took me to see Water For Elephants and I LOVED it!!! I am definitely buying that one when it comes out. I love Reese Witherspoon & I now have a new love for Robert Pattinson :) Then we went out with my family which is always so much fun!

We celebrated my brothers birthday May 3rd- our birthdays are exactly a week apart but he is 6 years older than me. We ate at Demos' :) Here are a few pics..

Happy birthday Michael!!!

Josh, me, Michael

my wonderful parents!
  We also found out that we are going to have another NIECE in September!!!! It will be so cute to see Addy with a little sister- especially since they will only be 13 months apart. They will be best friends I am sure!! :)

We went to Florida a few weeks ago with Josh's family and we had a great time! We stayed in Sandestin and it was so beautiful. We had perfect weather the whole time :) It was nice to get away for a few days!

HA!! This picture cracks me up. Josh loved helping out with Addy and he was trying to put sunscreen on her & he put on WAY too much :)

I love him :)

Addy & Aunt Sarah

Addy & her sweet grandparents!

the guys!

the girls

I love her SO much!!!

OH MY WORD! she is too cute for words.

this was the view from our room!! we had our own balcony in our room & this was the view!

sweet thing :)

me & my sis in law!

LOVE those chunky legs!!!!

she loved the water!
  We actually went to FL because of a wedding. A guy that Josh & his brother went to high school with got married on the beach and Adam was in the wedding. It was sooooo pretty!!! This was my 1st beach wedding and it was so beautiful :)

pretty girl!


me & Addy in her pillowcase dress & flower headband I made for her :)

just a few pics I took of the bride & groom while they were waiting to take pretty!!

Adam & Tiffani & Addy


congrats Justin & Megan!

what a FUN wedding!!!

The exciting thing going on right now is that we are in the process of re-doing our back yard!!!! It slopes down right now but we are making it even and building a big patio. I am SOOO excited! Josh is also going to build me up some plant beds so we are finally going to be doing our landscaping! It is a mess right now though. We have dirt everwhere in our yard!!! Like 11 HUGE DUMPTRUCKS FULL!!!
Hopefully it won't take too long to get it all done!!! Wish us luck :)

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