
Monday, June 6, 2011


How can it already be Monday??? The weekends fly by WAY too fast. We had a good one, though. I had to work Friday & Saturday during the day....and Josh did too. They worked on our yard all day Friday & Saturday and it looks soooo good!

We had some drainage issues with our front yard..when it rained the water would just stay in the middle of our yard a little instead of draining down so they fixed that and brought in some topsoil that way we will have pretty grass that is really green in the Fall! They also built up the flower beds with topsoil for the landscaping :) We are going to wait til Fall to plant anything though because it is soooo hot right now!! Then they built up our backyard so I actually have somewhat of a flat back yard now!! We need some more fill dirt to make it exactly how we want it but that will come in time. Next thing is to lay the pavers for our patio :) They are going to do that within the next couple of weeks. I canNOT wait.

We went fishing for a few hours yesterday afternoon and that was exactly what we needed after an exhausting weekend! Josh caught a few but I didn't catch a thing. Oh well :)

I have not worked out AT ALL since we went to Florida 3 weeks ago. I did really good January through middle of May which is good for me... I have never been that disciplined when it comes to working out! But it is sooooo easy to get out of the groove of things. We have also been eating terrible...for example, last night when we got home from fishing around 9 pm we made egg sandwiches, french fries, and pancakes & then went straight to bed!! Ha. What a combination! But starting today that is going to change!

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