
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Family Vacation 2011

My parents have a timeshare in Destin, Florida and we have been vacationing there for as long as I can remember! It is a week that we all look forward to every July. We didn't get to go last year so we were REALLY excited about going this year. Josh couldn't get off work the whole week so I decided to go down with my parents and then he flew into Panama City & we just picked him up at the airport and then all drove back together. The weather was perfect and we had SO much fun!!
Floyd's is one of our favorites!! They have "all you can eat" shrimp that are HUGE for only $19.99. I cannot even tell you how many shrimp we ate :)

my wonderful parents!

me & my brother
 My granny, aunt, uncle & cousins were all in Destin at the same time! We are all spread out and hardly ever get to see eachother so we got together as much as we could. It was so good to spend some time with everyone!

I had not seen my cousin, Charlie, in like 10 years or more!!! We met his girlfriend, Tiffany, for the first time. They are expecting a baby girl next month so we threw her a surprise "baby shower"!

my mom & Hallie. Hallie LOVED my mom :)

my sweet granny :)

my Granny has Alzheimer's and is not doing well at all :(  We took alot of family pictures....who knows when we will all be able to get together again....

my Aunt Barbara, Aunt Wanda, Granny, & my dad

my Granny & the grandkids (my cousins Jason & & my brother...we wished Shauna & her family could have been there!!)

My Granny & the Corey family

My Granny & the Wright family

my family with my Granny

all of us together :)

my dad & my Granny

my Granny & the great grandkids

me & my Granny. love this pic :)

I love my hunny!

we saw fireworks on the beach! so pretty

 Another favorite restaurant of ours is Callahan's! The guys always get these HUGE steaks and yes they eat it all!!
Josh's 2.06 lb steak

my dad & my brother split this 3 lb steak!

Keith's 2.60 lb steak!!

the water was so pretty! Me & my mom love laying out on our floats while my dad & Josh holds them so we don't float away :) ha.

our little set up! These tents are perfect for the beach!

what a view!

I was sad to leave but ready to be home at  the same time..I was so happy to see my sweet Kobe!! Now it is back to reality!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kobe Update & Canning!!

I took Kobe to the vet yesterday (he needed to get his shots and mani/pedi anyway..) so I got them to look him over after the seizure incident. He HATES going to the vet :( Poor thing started shaking like a leaf as soon as we walked in the door......

he is hiding behind the chair ....

He has been acting 100% like himself since the seizure so they did not seem too worried. They said to keep an eye on him...apparently dogs can have seizures every once in a while?? Only if they are having them more than once a month should you be worried.....we did decide to do some blood work on him though to make sure everything was ok & his liver numbers came back pretty high :( The vet said the seizure & the liver numbers are not related whatsoever so this was just a new problem we have discovered. It is not so high to be very worried so they want me to change his diet. I feed him Purina Little Bites now but they want me to switch to Iams. Also, no treats (he is going to be one sad puppy because he loves his treats!) I usually give him Beggin Strips or something like that that you buy at Wal-Mart but she said they are processed and not good for dogs. I can only give him green beans, baby carrots, marshmallows, etc for treats. She wants to check his numbers again in a month to see if that has helped. If not, they want to run another test to check if his liver is functioning. I pray that changing his diet will help!!!!

Poor thing has been through so much :( He looks so sad in this pic which makes me VERY sad
 After we left the vet we went over to my mom's house to do some canning!! This was my 1st canning experience and it was hard work but so worth it!!! My mom did 12 pints/quarts of pickles!

 We also put away 19 quarts of peaches & cream corn which was SOOOO good :) and canned 39 pints of green beans...

My mom was working on canned pickled beets (our FAV!) when I had to leave. She ended up doing 22 pints!!!

So it was a very productive day. My mom said it is addicting & I now see what she means! When we get back from Florida I want to can some tomatoes and spaghetti sauce and banana peppers. And I want to freeze some butter beans. I will be so happy this winter when I have all of my fresh veggies :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tailfeathers :)

 I am sure you have seen the FEATHER craze that is going on right now. If not, you are really missing out!! Feathers are so much fun and so cute! And I promise you that everywhere you go people will comment on how cute your feathers are :) Ha.

I cannot even begin to tell you how many feathers I have put in for people. They are really hard to find though because they are always sold out & when they update their inventory they sell out in 10 MINUTES! Usually I am working when they update their inventory so luckily I have a wonderful mom who goes online to order them for me :) (in the past 2 weeks I have placed 4 orders bc they sell so fast!) and I love the company I order from because they have excellent customer service & they are great quality feathers. You can wash them, curl them, and even flat iron them!!

I have 4 skinny ones in my hair right now..... (I am always wanting to add more especially since I have my salon in my basement = feathers right downstairs :) BUT I have to refrain from doing that all the time because I know my clients want them too!)
Up close
 One of my clients has the CUTEST little shih tzu named Lilly & she wanted Lilly to have some feathers!! They looked sooooo cute on her!!!
 Up close :) We did a purple one & a pink/black striped one.

Speaking of dogs----we had a MAJOR scare last night.
We think Kobe had a seizure.... :( He was following me down the stairs & I noticed he stopped half way down the stairs so I turned around & when I did I noticed he was bent down funny. I went to him & saw that his back legs were stiff looking and he could not move them. Then he layed down on his side and started shaking. He was not making a sound at all. I was freaking out and picked him up & then he started to growl a little. I ran & took him to Josh and we were really scared & didn't know what to do. After what seemed like forever (it was only a couple of minutes) he could move is legs again and he ran under our dresser. We got him out and then he acted fine. He is acting fine now but I am still very worried so I am about to take him to the vet. I don't know what could have caused it....we did go out on the boat yesterday for a couple of hours but we stayed on floats in the water (Kobe was on the floats with us) most of the time so that really cooled us off. But he did drink quite a bit of the river water and that is something he normally does not do when we go out on the boat. So that is the only thing different that happened yesterday.....I hope everything is ok. I do not know what I would do if anything ever happened to him. He is our BABY.