
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

This has been a VERY eventful weekend :)

Friday I went to the Heart to Heart women's retreat that my mom put together for all of the pastor's wives across the state. The retreat was actually Thursday through Saturday but I could only go on Friday. It was SO much fun & I had a great time with some wonderful ladies! We had makeovers, a fashion show, some crafts, and lots of good food & laughs. It was such a blessing to be there and to hear stories and devotionals from some awesome women. My mom did SUCH a good job putting it all together. I would have loved to be there the whole time!

We had a craft time where we made some super cute vases. 
 This was mine:
SUPER easy and cheap to make and sooo cute! All you do is get a clear vase and some acrylic paint. My mom found a bunch of vases at Goodwill. You put some paint in the bottom of your vase and start slowly swirling it around. You can add more paint when you see you need to. I am putting mine in the salon. My salon walls are painted the blue color and I am wanting to add pops of orange :)

So, Friday on my way to the retreat my car window decided to come off track and fall completely down into the door. UGHHHH! My car has been giving us problems it just dies when I am driving down the road all the time. Josh has replaced the starter and the fuel pump and it is still doing it. We are also looking for a new vehicle because I am soooo done messing with mine. Well, it rained a lot this weekend so I had to put a trash bag on the door!!! It was pretty embarrassing! 
 Driving to church on Sunday.....the funniest part is when you have to peek under the trash bag to see if anyone is coming!!!! Ha!
Soooo...Sunday was Mother's Day :) Josh and I are SO blessed to have such wonderful moms. They are so   loving and giving and Godly examples and we love them so so much!!!!
Something happened on Mother's Day, though, that really put a damper on the day. While we were all in church Sunday morning someone broke into Josh's granny's house and stole her TV and all of her jewelry :( We are talking about jewelry that is soooo precious to her that belonged to her mom and grandmother...pearls from the 1930's and many many other special pieces. This is so heartbreaking. Josh's granny is the sweetest lady you will ever meet and would do anything for anyone at any time. The person who did this is just scum to me. 

We were all planning on going over to his granny's house for lunch and so we did anyway and ended up having a great day together. I think having everyone there really helped her alot.

Uncle Josh feeding Ava some ice cream
They even got Josh a cake for graduating EMT school!
Me and my beautiful mom!!! I love her so much! Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday :)

So it has been a while since I have done this but there are SOOOO many things I am loving right now that I just can't pass it up!

First of all, I am LoViNg that Josh is now an EMT!!! I am so proud of him! He has been working so hard since the beginning of January working full time (some weeks more than full time), going to EMT school 16 hours a week (Monday thru Thursday 6pm-10pm), clinicals on the weekend, studying, volunteering at the fire department....and never complaining at all. He got done with school a couple of weeks ago and made a B in the class. Then he took the National Registry test Monday and PASSED! Such a relief! Now he can start applying for EMT jobs but he really wants to be a firefighter and this will open up so many more doors being an EMT. I know God has a plan for him and his career and I know it was God who helped us get through this semester of school! I made him his favorite lemon cake with lemon glaze :) The writing didn't turn out too good but oh well!

Another thing I am LoViNg is that we finally got our patio poured this past weekend! This has been in the works for a looooong time. When we 1st bought our house the back yard sloped down a little. Well, last year we brought in like 10 loads of fill dirt to make it flat. We have had the money saved up for a while but with Josh being in school he has not had any time at all to build the forms until a couple of weeks ago. This is what our back yard has looked like for the past year...WARNING: you are about to see a complete mess:
 Here it is after we pored the concrete:

It is HUUUGE and we love it!!! Our backyard still has a lot of work. We plan on bringing in more dirt to make it more level, building a fire pit, and doing LOTS of landscaping and privacy trees. But atleast we have our patio now instead of walking through dirt :)

Another thing I am LoViNg...I am finally done with this tshirt quilt I made for a friend!!!
These are all of her old college/sorority tshirts! It turned out SUPER cute! But goodness, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into making this quilt. I have made a couple of other quilts/blankets for my nieces but this one was a lot harder. Not only was it a whole lot bigger but the tshirt material is stretchy so it is hard to work with. I backed each square with interfacing so it will not stretch over time and she can wash it over and over and it will not lose its shape. Now that it is all done and turned out so good I would make another one....but next time I would charge a whole lot more!!!

I am also LoViNg this book!
I canNOT wait to get done with the book so I can see the movie :)

I am LoViNg these scriptures I have read in the past week.

And I am LoViNg my sweeeeet baby boy 
and my sweet husband :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Our raised bed garden!

Josh built me a raised bed garden this year and I am loooving it :) I love going outside to water it and to just watch it grow. He filled it with good dirt because the dirt we have around here is terrible. I planted tomatoes, squash, zucchini, bell peppers, banana peppers and cucumbers. I am pretty sure I planted way too much but oh well! It has grown so much since I first planted everything. Here it is when I 1st planted everything:
 And here it is just 10 days later!!!
 I went out there yesterday and guess what I found?!! A tiny bell pepper :) :) I was so excited!
 I also have tons of cherry tomatoes already :)
I planted some lettuce the other day in a huge pot....not sure if it is going to work out though. I have heard you need to plant lettuce early but then I have had several people with gardens tell me to go on and still plant it. So I did! We shall see :) I only paid $4 for the seeds so I am not out much. 

I also have some herbs I need to plant in pots. I have basil, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, and orange mint that will be good in tea.

 We want to have a really big garden one day. Big enough to eat off of and also big enough to can or freeze some things for the winter. But our garden now is a good starting point :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Catch up!

Wow! I am soooo behind on my blog.... I am going to try and do better. But I can say my house has been really clean lately :) I just wish there were more hours in the day to do all I want to do. 

Something major has happened in our world! We got smart phones!!! I say it is major because our phones were so old and ancient. I did not think I needed a smart phone because I work from home and why would I need internet on my phone when I can just get on my computer at home?? WRONG! We finally broke down and did it and now I am in looooove. I got an iPhone and Josh got a Commando (his is more heavy duty and waterproof because he is pretty rough with his phones). 

I love Instagram!!!!! Here is our life in pictures over the last couple of weeks :)

 My friend's wedding was GORGEOUS! They got married in this church.
 We went to a couple of Preds games and they are SOOOO much fun!! I never knew hockey was so intense. We are definitely hockey fans now :)
 my wonderful parents! Love them so much.
 my niece, Addy! She is getting so big!
 LOL! Kobe being a beggar! 
 How can you resist that pitiful face?!
 Like mother, Like daughter :)
 The Bicentennial Trail. Love it.
 Mmmmmm. I am now addicted to steel cut oats thanks to Panera and my mom :) I will be posting some of my favorite recipes soon.
 Sleepy head. 
I will post more later!