
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Josh!!!!!

Yesterday was Josh's 26th birthday!!!

I told him we could do whatever he wanted to do for his birthday so we went to the farm in Kentucky to go hunting. We went last year too...but this summer they worked on building a little cabin to stay in. It is not completely done yet but it was nice to have somewhere to sleep. We could not get the heater to work it was SOOOOO cold! But we had a great time.

We got out there Saturday evening and set up a fire. Josh made us these little meals that you cook on the coals and they were really good. You just get some foil and put in hamburger meat, chopped onions & red potatoes, worcestershire sauce, and seasonings. It was ready in about 30-40 minutes and was YUMMY! We also had smores :) We got up super early (before the sun came up!) and went out to his box stand that he built this summer and watched the sun rise. It was sooo pretty and relaxing. We stayed out there for several hours hoping to see some deer.... but we didn't. Oh well, maybe next time... Josh worked on his hunting area for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon so I took some pictures of the beautiful Fall leaves!!!! It was so pretty :)

 We were going to stay through today but Josh had the opportunity to come back and work and extra job so we came home yesterday afternoon. Josh's parents & Sarah brought over some chili and a Baskin Robbin's ice cream cake for Josh and we had a good time :)

Happy birthday Josh!!!!
We all love you so much!!

Salon Porch Makeover

When we bought our house, we remodeled half of our basement into a salon so I could work from home and I have LOVED every second of it!!! I love having my own salon and love love love working from home. I am spoiled now and will never have it any other way :)

We had a (tiny) garage in our basement & a garage door.....well, we took that out and what was the garage door is now the entrance to my salon. This is what it has looked like for a couple of years...
Can we say B O R I N G ??

We have been so busy the past couple of years working on the inside of our house and we are just now getting to the outside. To see the front yard/front porch makeover click here.

Here is the salon porch now:
 I absolutely LOOOVE it :)

I painted the siding the same color as my front door. It is called Desert Grass by Valspar. When I first painted it, I wondered if it was too much??? But after a couple of days I fell in love. I think it is so inviting. I stained the concrete a brown color and I also painted the bottom part of our house (the concrete blocks) Western Brown by Valspar.
I am not crazy about Halloween itself....but I do love mums and pumpkins and everything FaLL :)
The Girl Creative
The DIY Show Off

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Apple Butter

I have been trying all kinds of new recipes lately. Some turn out really good.......but some not so good! I love anything pumpkin so when I saw this recipe I knew I just had to try it. It was soooo easy & so so SO good!

Pumpkin Apple Butter
1 (29 ounce) can solid pack pumpkin
2 cups apple cider
1 cup applesauce
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

{I doubled the recipe}
In a large saucepan or Dutch oven, combine all ingredients.
Simmer, uncovered, for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until thickened.

{ I read the comments beforehand and a lot of people talked about how messy this part is...... and they were SO right!!! When it pops up every now and then and gets all over your stove. I even had to clean my floors right in front of my stove when I got done. It was not so bad that I would not do it again though bc it tastes THAT good! }

At this point you can refridgerate up to 1 month or freeze or can them using a hot water bath method. I canned them because I am giving some of them away as Christmas gifts :)

The Girl Creative

Saturday, October 22, 2011

fun day with my mom :)

Life has been so crazy busy lately that me & my mom have not really been able to spend as much time together as we would like. But we got to spend most of the day together yesterday and we had SO much fun :)

We went to the flea market first and we saw so many cuuuuute things. I ended up finding the cutest pair of vintage cowboy boots & they are adorable!!! You should have seen us trying to carry all of our stuff back to the car! Ha.

Then we went to Sips n Strokes.. I love that place! We met one of my mom's friends there and we painted a picture with fruit on it.

This is my finished product.. I am going to hang it in my kitchen. I think we all did a pretty good job!

I always have so much fun with my matter what we are doing. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful mom who is also my best friend :)

Pinterest Love: Fall Colors

It just might be my favorite time of the year.
There are sooooo many things I love about it........
but especially all of the pretty colors when the leaves change!

Here are some Fall pictures that I found on Pinterest that I just love :)

Source: None via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: None via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: None via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: None via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: None via Rachel on Pinterest

Happy Fall!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall front porch makeover

We have done a lot to our little house since we first moved here a little over 2 years ago. Right now we are in the process of working on the outside and TRUST needed it :) We have finally done our landscaping ( I say "we" but the hubby actually did it all! ) He did such a great job!!

I painted our front door red shortly after we moved in and I really liked it at 1st.......but then I thought it was a little BLAH. I needed some contrast and some change! Also, I found some cute GREEN doors on Pinterest that I fell in love with :)

Here is the before pic:
 as you can tell this was before landscaping & grass....

Here is the lovely AFTER pic:
I am IN LOVE!!! First of all, I stained the porch a brownish color. It is not a huge difference but I think it looks much better. The door color is called Desert Grass by Valspar and it is my new favorite color!

The wreath was so easy to make. I just bought a grapevine wreath at JoAnn's....spray painted a "C".....made some rosette flowers that I hot glued on.....and then hung on the door with scrap fabric.

Close up of the flowers. I love all the pretty Fall colors!

Here is a view of the whole house! Josh planted fescue grass..I think that is what it is called. It is so pretty and so green. It is starting to get thicker but will be perfect by Springtime :) We also painted the bottom part of our house (the concrete blocks) It is called Western Brown by Valspar and I think it makes SUCH a difference! It really compliments the brick color :)

This is the retaining wall that Josh built & the knock out roses he planted. I am telling you- I have got one good hubby :) 

Our next BIG projct is going to be our patio in our back yard and I cannot wait for it to be done. I even bought some cute patio furniture at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago for it :)

Stay tuned for another Fall porch makeover .. this one is the salon porch and it turned out super cute!

I {Heart} Nap Time
The Girl Creative