
Friday, January 27, 2012

under the weather...

This past week has been so hard! I have been sick for a whole week. It all started last Friday night when it was time to eat supper. I started to get a headache and I thought it was because I was so hungry. So I ate A LOT of pizza. Really fast. Bad idea. About 30 minutes later I started feeling sick to my stomach....this was around 8pm. I ended up getting sick and I threw up every single hour like clockwork from 8 pm Friday to 6 am on Saturday. I would fall asleep and would wake up feeling so sick. Josh ended up taking me to the ER that morning....I thought I was dehydrated but thank goodness I wasn't. They gave me some medicine to take that helped me not throw up but made me sleep ALL day. I was literally asleep all day. I woke up Saturday night for a couple of hours then went back to sleep. About 3 am on Sunday morning I woke up and Josh was awake in bed saying how sick he was to his stomach :( I felt so bad for getting him sick but we had a feeling it would happen. The doctor told us that stomach virus was going around and very contagious. So Josh was sick all day Sunday...Luckily, we already had the medicine he needed from when I went to the doctor. We were both feeling better on Monday and ready to get out of the house. I ended up going out to Rivergate to meet my mom. Well, Monday night my throat and eyes started getting itchy. I thought it was my allergies from this crazy TN weather we have been having. It kept on getting worse and worse and I have been so miserable. My head has been so stuffy and I have never in my life blown my nose as much as I have this week. I have had to re schedule so many hair appointments this week that next week will be so crazy. Anyway, I kept on getting worse and worse so I broke down and went back to the doctor this week and she gave me a steroid shot and a z pack. She also did a breathing treatment on me and gave me an inhaler. I am starting to feel a little better but I know I have a few days until I feel 100% like myself again. By that time I will be SOOOO ready to get out of this house for sure! The crazy thing is that I was just telling someone last week that I have not been sick in a long time.....I should have knocked on wood.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Old Mirror to Yellow Chalkboard Frame

This will be my last project using chalkboard paint for a while....I think :) I love this stuff so much. I also used it on the chalkboard tags I made for the pantry makeover and the chalkboard spice jars.

My mom gave me this old mirror. I really liked the frame...(yes, that is our Christmas tree you see in the, I do not still have it up! I did this right around Christmas time and am just now posting about it :) )
 I decided to keep the actual mirror in case I ever got tired of the chalkboard and wanted it to be a mirror again. There was a piece of cardboard inside the frame so I just painted right on that. I painted the frame YELLOW! I love this color. It is called Elevator Button by Valspar. It is like a golden yellow...not too bright. I also distressed it some after it dried.
Here it is all finished!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chalkboard Spice Jars

One of my goals this year is to get organized and stay organized! I am sick of clutter and not having a place for things. I posted the other day about my pantry makeover.
Another issue I had were my spices. I had a lazy susan that I did NOT like at all! Can you see it in this pic? Things would get lost and sometimes the lazy susan would not turn. Grrr.
Well, when Hobby Lobby had their glassware 50% off I bought these cute little jars for 99 cents each.
 pulled out my favorite paint right (chalkboard paint)..
 and painted the lids..
 I put them in a drawer right next to my stove and I LOVE IT! So easy to get to and, of course, I love having it all labeled :)
I have another chalkboard project I will be posting about soon that turned out super cute :) Stay tuned!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pantry Makeover & DIY Chalkboard Tags

This has been a goal of mine for a L O N G time. Organizing my pantry. Not just straightening things only to have it all messy again in a couple of weeks...but really orangized. I have seen a lot of really cute & organized pantrys on Pinterest so I finally decided to do it!

First thing I did was look in my pantry and figure out all the different categories I was dealing with. This is what I came up with:

-Peanut Butter/Nutella/Honey/extra Jelly
-Foil/Wax Paper...
-Drink Mixes
-Boxed Dinners
-Plastic Cups/Paper Plates/Napkins

I saved up my money and waited for Hobby Lobby to run their baskets and glassware 50% off. I took my list with me and loaded up my buggy! LOOOOVE HOBBY LOBBY! I told my hubby it is like my bass pro :)

I am embarrassed to even show you these before pics....

Wow! I do not miss this old pantry at all!
I painted the walls a dark brown and re-painted the shelves. Here is the new one:

I made the tags out of an old cereal box!!
I cut it up into rectangles..
 painted them with this chalkboard paint....

 and tied them to my baskets and jars with jute!
I love how everything has a spot. Organizing makes me so happy :-)

Link Party
The DIY Show Off
The Girl Creative

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What we have been up to...

The past couple of weeks have been VERY productive & full of projects. This is what they have consisted of:

* Re-did our basement.
* Painted the kitchen.
* Gave the pantry a makeover.
* Colored my hair. Hellloooo brunette :)
* Painted the living room.
* Faux board & batten in living room {almost done!}
* Ordered pictures from for our picture gallery walls in living room & bedroom.
* Josh started EMT school.
*  Painted the bedroom.
* A couple of furniture makeovers.
* Chalkboard frame.
* Painted the kitchen table white.
* Got new dining room curtains. {I bought the fabric and my mom made them. Yes, she is the BEST!}
* Threw a lot of things away and donated things. Trying to declutter.
* A couple of bonfires in the back yard with just me and my hubby & my Kobe. Good talks :)

Pictures coming very soon!!!

Also, thank you for all who have prayed for my hubby and his interview. Unfortunately, he did not get the job :( They hired 2 and interviewed 7. Well, 2 of the guys had already been through the fire academy which means they got the job. Josh did VERY good on his interview though. They loved him. Chief Steele called him himself and told him that he was "in the bubble" and if something did not work out with those other guys then they would call him first. Very disappointing & upsetting....but I know God has a plan.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!!!

I remember when 2012 seemed soooo futuristic...and now it is here!! Crazy how time flies! Josh stayed at the fire hall tonight so I ended up making some last minute plans with a few friends and I am so glad I did. We had such a good time, as usual! We had dinner at Rumours and then went over to Bella Napoli for dessert.
2011 really was a great year. We have accomplished so much.

For one, we are now DEBT FREE!!! This year we have paid off a Lowe's credit card, Josh's truck, a couple of medical bills, and the biggest thing is we just paid off our 2nd mortgage to our house!!! We have been making double payments on it for months & months and just paid it off 2 weeks ago :)  That feels so good.

My business has grown soooo much! I am so thankful for my job. I love it and am so thankful for each of my clients. They have been so faithful to me over the last 7+ years.

Josh has really gotten a jump start on getting his career started as a firefighter. He has been volunteering, taking classes and different types of training, learning so much & meeting so many new people. His interview is Friday and we are just PRAYING that God opens this door for him!!!!

We are going to a new church that we love! This is a pretty big deal since I grew up in the same church with my dad being the pastor for like 22 years! But we love our new church and have started going to a small group on Wednesdays at our pastor's house and we just love going!

This was a BIG traveling year!! We went on our cruise in January, went to Florida twice, and went camping at Center Hill Lake for the 4th of July!

We also have done SO much to our house!! We completely re-did the kitchen, the front yard looks amazing, and we are in the process of re-doing our basement as we speak. Hopefully that will be done tomorrow.

We have grown so much this year. We have grown closer to the Lord and our faith is definitely stronger. We have also grown closer to each other!! I love spending life with my sweet hubby!

I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us!

Happy New Year!!!!